Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wednesday Meezer Rules

Ginger: I admit I'm getting a bit upset about all this fuss about everyone else...I'm not getting equal time on your daughters blog.

Ellie: Sorry about that Ginger, here let me wash you and make you feel better. You must learn the rules. Let me whisper them in your ear.

Ellie: Yes, bow your head to me as your Queen. I will clean you and love you and you will do what ever I ask of you. You must always bow to Queen Ellie and her Princess Cory.
Ginger: Yes, of course.

Ellie: You need to be extra clean for the arrival of Santa Paws. Let me tell you what to do.
Ginger: Yes, Ellie, whatever you say. You want me to tell Santa Paws that I don't need a gift...he should just give mine to you?
Ellie: Yes.
Bennette: Oh Brother.... Meezer rules...I don't play by the rules....


goooooood girl said...

i like your blog......

Motor Home Cats said...

Ellie, that is a great Meezer Rule. Make sure you go over to the Simply Siamese website to leave a link.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Forever Foster said...

Hey, Ellie! Are you using mind control on Ginger? Is that playing by the rules?

(and can you teach me how to do that? - Suey)

Anonymous said...

You lickity my ears like that and I will bow down too!!
"yesss Ellieeee" hehe


netfandu said...

hiiiiiiii . i see ur blog. this is really good. keep it uo .
visit ma blog. this is
actually i want link excha nge with u . if u interested then contect me on ma blog

Maggie May said...

Hi Cory, we have nominated you for the lemonade award....stop by sometime and pick it up, ok!
~The Creek Cats~

Everycat said...

Oh Ginger this brainwashing is outrageous! Ellie! this is not fair at all. it isn't ear washing it's brainwashing! I can tell because I am an expert in washing other cats and their ears!

Nose kisses and gentle (real)ear lickings to Ginger...

From Oliver

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

That is a great rule Ellie but I am with Bennette, I am immune to Meezer rules. I think Banshee thinks she is a meezer though!!

Puurs Goldie

LZ said...

Stupid meezer rules!!!! I get so sick of them myself.


Cafe Cats said...

Did Ellie hynomatize Ginger?

Kiddo said...

Watch out Ginger! Ellie is Jedi-Mind-Trick-ing you!


The Meezers or Billy said...

great rule Ellie!!!

Rupert said...

Ginger looks very clean now.

It's always nice when someone else washes you.

Paws 'n Claws,

Anonymous said...

He should just give his gift to you? We would not care for that rule! We barely get any toys as it is!

Kat Mortensen said...

Queen Ellie, you shud meetz OUR Queen--Blanche. She tries to boss us around, but we boxes her ears and she dunt like it. She's still Queen tho. We allwez has to gives up the best spots in de Hyggehus when she usurps (Lady-slave tot us that wurd) them.

Didya get the award we gave you? We haven't seen you at our bloggy.

The Hyggecats

The Island Cats said...

Wow! got Ginger trained purrty good, dontcha??