Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tuxie Tuesday- Gardeners Journal

Jonesie has a job. Her job is to supervise all gardening and backyard activities. It gets harder as the days get darker, wetter and colder but she takes her work very seriously.

She was thrilled to see that there are still carrots in the ground that need to be harvested. She hopes they find a good home in a pot of soup.


Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Wee done Jonesie! That's a very lovely looking crop you have there!

We did our carrots months ago. They'd be frozen stiff now.

Very cool pic of you out there in the wilds!

Motor Home Cats said...

It is nice that you get to snoopervise. We aren't allowed outside. Mom says something about too many cars going to fast.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Parker said...

Jonesie, that looks like a good crop! I think your job looks like it would be a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...

Great gardening, Jonesie! Those carrots looks awesome! Our Nana just made a ginormous pot of Turkey Soup. She tossed lots of fresh carrots in!

Forever Foster said...

Those are some healthy looking carrots Jonesie. Will you have a nibble? They could be a good sweetener for Santa Paws' reindeer!

Brownie said...

You have a great work! And I love carrots, can you give me some?

Maggie May said...

Great work, Jonesie!!! Those carrots look scrumptious!
Before Cal's IBD flare up last week he was eating a grain free wet food. Problem is once he vomits it up, he no longer will eat that food. So the only thing he will eat at the moment is dry kitten food. Hopefully once his tummy settles with the meds we can put him back on the good grain free food.
We hope it works well for you guys!!
~The Creek Cats~

Tybalt said...

Jonesie, you are way more dedicated that I am! I hate being wet and cold.

Kiddo said...

Jonesie, what a good cat. Every time I try to grow a garden, I eat all the little shrubs before they have a chance to turn into anything really good!


The Meezers or Billy said...

good job snoopervising Jonesie!!!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You are doing a fine job of it too.

Daisy said...

Good job, Jonesie! You have a bumper crop.

Cafe Cats said...

Jonesie looks like a very good snooperviser!


The Island Cats said...

Good job snoopervising, Jonesie!

Zoe and Indy said...

Wow you sure are taking your snoopervising job very seriously. Good work.

Mickey's Musings said...

I can see that Jonesie takes her job seriously!!Those carrots are safe!!!!!
Purrs Mickey

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Good work!!!! Nice crop there. You are welcome at my place any time to snoopervise my SS. It's summer here so it's quite pleasant out. I help too, but I get bored.

Whimpurr said...

Jonesie, you are a garden princess! Those carrots sure will make a good stew!

Anonymous said...

Jonesie looks Very serious, in fact it looks like she is saying " what do you think you doing? Get back to work?" hehe It would be fun to help in the garden :)

Momma will not plant carrots because she thinks they are cheaper to by at the vege shop :(


Everycat said...

Jonesie you are gorgeous. I'm glad yourharvest of carrots was so good.

Whicky Wuudler

Anonymous said...

We're reading this as part of your first blogging anniversary celebrations. Alfie is thrilled to see this post about Jonesie, becos yJonesoe was a trainee gardener then, like Alfie is now.

Milo and Alfie xx