This coffee is making me feel really jittery. What did you put in here anyway? Are we having turkey leftovers for breakfast?

This is sure giving me a buzz! What's that over there?

Turkish coffee, huh? I guess I did need an extra push...it's hard to get going on a Monday following a long weekend. Just wait until I make you catnip tea!
Ellie, you do look a tad frassled!!
The though of Turkish coffee has got the PM drooling. Just like Pavlov's dogs she is!
We better go get her fix attended to!!
Purrs Goldie, Shade and Banshee
Ellie, you are very funny:) I see many rounds of Thundering Herds of Elephants in your future!:)
Ellie you are all a blur with the coffee madness! I don't see napping happening anytime soon!
Catnip tea? Yes please!
Whicky Wuudler
Turkish coffee ... you look more like Turkish Delight. FAZ
Try not to get too buzzed on that coffee, Ellie! Catnip tea sounds wonderful!!!
~The Creek Cats~
Mama won't let me has hers coffee, no matter how many times I puts my head in her cup.
You look a bit like you have had too much of that.
Catnip Tea sounds yummy! We'll pass on the Turkish Coffee! We're busy enough already!
Mommy says she could use some of that!
We don't know about Turkish coffee...but we'll take some of that catnip tea!!
I do not think Turkish coffee would be quite as delicious as Turkey. Unless there is whipped cream on top!
Oh. We get it. Took us a while.
Luf, Us
I think you're having caffine overdose! First you'll have to run run run like your tail is on fire, and then you need to have some more turkey and take a long nap. Maybe some nip too. You're silly Ellie!
"Turkish" coffee ha ha ha
Ellie the koffee kat!!!!!! Mom loves her coffee too!!! Just close your eyes for a minute and let it work!! Then you will be really bright eyed!!!! hahahahahahaha
Nip tea? Mmmmmmmmmmm!!! That will be nice later ;)
Purrs Micky
You drink coffee??? Come and keep my SS company. I only have milk and turn my nose up at the murky stuff that she seems to LOVE. on seond thought, yes, I would love to have catnip tea with you, and a bit of that turkey for breakfast.
Ha ha ha ha!
Did you get a donut with that?
hahah I loved your action shots!! We was moving with you!!
Momma always panics when she makes coffee coz I loves it too!
In fact I love it so much that one day after making it in the expresso Momma cleaned up etc and thought everything was fine, only to walk into the kitchen and see mez with my head upside down underneath the little spouts where the coffee comes out licking the drops like a teat!
Momma freaked, now she has to fully clean the machine straight after making it.. coz of mez! mwahahha
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