I promised that I would share my tips on growing huge nip. I can't take all the credit. There are things that make it easy for me. I live in the Willamette Valley where everything grows well. Our yard is on an old orchard tract so the soil is great. But there are some tips learned through trial and error where I may be of some help to you.

No matter how good or bad your soil, you can and should add to it. We make our own compost, but you can buy it. We also have "dirt" delivered to us to help. It's not plain old dirt, we ask the dirt people to mix it up for us special...based on what you need it may be part sand, top soil, mushroom compost, etc. Yes, we special order dirt. Quality dirt makes all the difference. And yes I occasionally add my own special fertililzer.

Location, location, location. We have grown nip all over our yard, but it's never been quite as happy as it is under this tree. We guess it's the perfect mix of sun and shade. We dig up nip from elsewhere in the yard and move it here. That's the other part of success. If you only have one or two plants...they will never survive us cats. We have over a dozen different plants in this one spot. They also come back year after year and we divide and move them so they are happy. We have so many plants, even my family can't destroy them. When they get big and tall and start to form flowers, make sure you cut off the flowers so the energy of the plant goes to the leaves...although I like to nibble on the flowers too!

We have not been successful in attempting to grow nip indoors. Some of you may remember this sad
ex-plant that I got for my gotcha day. It is now quite dead. It was once a happy and hopeful nip plant, but it was a lone plant inside the house. It didn't stand a chance....

Rest in peace little nip plant. We should have moved you outside with the others before it was too late.
You should write a book on 'nip cultivation. You certainly know your stuff, yes, you do! We have 'nip, too, and sometimes momma thinks it's gonna grow right into a tree! Does Grete like the 'nip?
Thanks for all the info. It's obvious it really works for you.
I hae to grow mine in a tub outside. I keep looking to see if it has grown, but so far it hasn't. I am watching.
Hugs GJ x
We love Thursdays in your garden! Thanks for the tips ... is the "own special fetilizer" wot we fink it is? If so, could you nip over and poop on our nip plants if we buy some? 'Cos yours are really flourishing!
Milo and Alfie xx
You are a veritable font of knowledge, Jonesie!
Our Grampy agrees with you on special dirt. He is always mixing stuff into the dirt. Your nip nips are duly noted, although we can't promise not to nip the nip as soon as it sprouts!
Good tips. Mom forgot to water our little nip plant and we think it got deaded. It was doing really well too.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Thanks for those nip tips, Jonesie! Mom's got some nip in a pot outside for us but we think she should get some special dirt and plant it like you did...besides we wanna fertilize it like you do!
Thanks for the tips! I have notes and will report this to the 'rents!
wonderful tips friend!
*And thank you, thank you for coming to my purfdeh party yesterday!*
Thanks for the awesome tips! You guys grow the biggest nip of all!
Our indoor nip plant is still doing quite well. It is starting to flower, so we will cut them off so the leaves get bigger like yours!
Jonesie, thanks for all the great tips (or should I say nips!). You sure know your stuff -- especially when it comes to growing your purrticular kind of "weed".
I used to live in Willamette Valley! It's so beautiful there. I've gone quite a far ways to reach where I'm at now.
And I've got to say, Northwest Oregon is BY FAR the BEST place to grow anything plant like, although it seems you know how to help it along that much more. :D
Good tips =)
Jas & Gi
Hmmmm.....Meowm says we have a patch of dirt outside our apartment where she could possibly plant some nip. We wouldn't get to enjoy it, but the outdoor kitties would. Thanks for the tips!
Hmm, I wouldn't know much about gardening, that department is left to the serving staff. However, I have heard talk of them acquiring some nibble grass for us to keep inside the house, so we shall see.
Thanks for the tips. We will remember them when mum eventually gets us some nip plants.
My mouth is watering.
I'm not a nip fan, but it's good to know how to grow it just in case!
Teri bought 6 nip plants...hope she gets around to planting them before they join your ex plant!
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