My sister Ginger has asked me if I'd give her garden cat lessons. Ginger likes hanging out in the garden but I'm not at all sure she has the work ethic necessary to be a true garden cat.

See what I mean...we've got work to do here in the eggplant and pepper garden, but all she wants to do is roll in the dirt.

Ok Ginger, I'll keep in eye on you...sniff the dirt and paw at it to make sure it's moist enough. That's right!'s not about mugging for the camera...we've got work to do!!

We have to be watchful of pests...I can't be looking everywhere at once....there you go, you look left and I'll look right.

Ok, let's switch. That's right! Maybe you can be a garden cat after all.
You're allowed to roll in the garden? If we had one, we could roll all we wanted, since Jan kills everything before we do.
Nice teamwork, girls!
WOWZA! Youz should give lessons on how ta be a garden cat! Youz really know what youz doin'☺
I thinks you makes da purrfect team! From da looks of it. *purrrrrrrrs*
If anyone can sort out a trainee gardner Jonesie, you can! We love today's song too: Sisters!
Milo and Alfie xx
Jonesie and Ginger -- once you started to work as a team, you really got things done! Good job!
You're a good teacher,'ll make Ginger a garden cat in no time!
Ginger has promise!
Ginger learns fast!! She'll be a great Garden Cat.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
You've got that looking the other way thing down!
Jonesie, I know you are a very good garden cat and a very hard worker! I like to help in the garden, but Mom thinks I mostly just get in the way. Well, you know, I have to snoopervise everything and make sure she makes the planing holes big enough and gets the plants in them straight. Mom's got the herb garden planted, but now she's thinking maybe she'd like to plant some lavendar. But, first she has to wait until the porch gets done and the guy gets the place next to the house all cleared out since that's where she thinks she wants to plant it.
Oh my, how I have jabbered away here. I guess I've been gone so long that I needed to make up for lost time!
You are both very good hepers and look good in your garden. I like to help mum, and its good to get dirt on our furrs.
Hugs GJ xx
Wow! Dat's a furry nice garden. You sure do keep dem weeds down. Do you fink dat the rollin' helps wiff dat?
Jonesie, you are doing a good job training Ginger, but you are the Master gardening cat!
With you as a teacher, Ginger will be a wonderful gardening cat in no time:)
It looks like Ginger is catching on very quickly and will be a big help in the garden. Pests don't stand a chance with you two on the look-out.
The smells on that box must have been phenomenal! All the way from Australia!! And neat stuff inside cool!
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