Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tabby Tuesday

I was just hanging out with Bennette on the deck on a hot day. I suddenly got the urge to visit the nip patch. Off I went...Bennette didn't follow. I had it all to myself. I had to check to make sure it was all mine.
I just had to roll in it. I couldn't stop myself.

I was overcome by the scent.

And then I lost all control.

I managed to pull myself together again so I could get on with my day.


Forever Foster said...

Your nip patch looks divine, Ginger. It is so lush and lovely!

Reese =^..^= said...

Oh, wow! You can just go to your nip patch anytime you please?

Anonymous said...

What a great 'nip patch. Mine is out the back window and I check on it daily. Momma sayz I look yike a little farmer checking out the growth and quality. But, ahhh, harvest time, now that's the bestest!

The Florida Furkids said...

That nip patch looks wonderful to us! Mom put ours outside and it looks a lot better but not as good as you.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Island Cats said...

Wow...we don't know how you managed to pull yourself together...we woulda stayed in the nip patch all day!!!

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm, fresh nip! Sometimes you just gotta roll in it!

Milo and Alfie xx

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Your nip patch looks like heaven. Maybe one day our mum will grow us a nip patch.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Wow what a nip patch you have looks super.

Hugs GJ x

The Creek Cats said...

Ginger, looks like you had a blast in the cat nip patch!!

Our Pop is building a fence in our back yard this week for Dixie Dog. Mom says we can go back there sometimes and she will plant some nip for us to roll around in!

Mouchois said...

If only we had a way to make an indoor nip patch! Poor Melvin isn't allowed to see the outdoors because we live in a busy apartment area. He just looks out from the window from time to time.

Such a lucky kitty you are!

Anonymous said...

That's one major 'nip patch you've got there!

Daisy said...

♫ ♫ Yeah, you should be mine, mine, whew
Yes, you could be mine
Tonight and every night
I will be your catnip in shining armour
Coming to your emotional rescue
You will be mine, you will be mine, all mine
You will be mine, you will be mine, all mine
I will be your catnip in shining armour ♫ ♫

(With apologies to the Rolling Stones)

Cliff and Olivia said...

We can't believe the size of your nip-patch. Our nip is growing rapidly, but is nowhere near as tall as yours.

Anonymous said...

We've never seen catnip get that big, because we can not wait and nom it all right away! Is the nip high even higher when the catnip is higher?

Anonymous said...

aww Ginger... did your momma face plant into the belleh?!?! niiiiiiice.
I am glad that you can handle your addiction though hehe

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oh go ahead and roll some more!!!!!

Jasmim said...

You seem so happy in your garden! My mother still doesn't trust me to leave, then she not let me touch the ground =/

Jas & Gi

Tuck said...

LOL...you got all high there Ginger!

Sweet Purrfections said...

The nip does it every time!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

cool nip patch! I am just a bit jealous!!