Friday, February 26, 2010

Friends on Friday in the Garden

Hi again garden fans!  I love my leafy compost pile.  It stays warm even when it's a bit cold outside. Today I get to introduce you to my new trees.  I also have a new garden friend, associate, neighbor and mentee.  Dad calls her Freeta Bandeeta (I know he's odd) because she is a neighbor cat but we don't really know her real name.  She just comes by to apprentice with me in the garden.
Here I am showing Freeta how to snoopervise without really letting dad know I'm watching.

Freeta is learning the inspection process well.  After dad puts the trees in the ground, Freeta assists by pressing down the dirt with her paws.  I'm so proud of her.  We've been having a very lovely winter so lots of the neighbor cats are coming out to play.  Freeta is the only one who is showing any promise as a garden cat.

Dad had 3 trees to plant and we snoopervised each and every one.   We got 2 apricot trees and one peach tree.  They are varieties that are supposed to do well in the Northwest but we are not at all sure they will live.  Part of being a good garden cat is purring hard for the trees so they will live and give us fruit to whap.  Cory should be very interested in the little apricots.

One last hole to dig then it's TGIF party time! 

 Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that I had some fun last night.  It was dusk and mom wanted to bring me inside. Dad had just seen me minutes before, but I was...poof!...gone.   Dusk turned to dark, out came the flashlights, mom calling, dad calling. They rechecked the whole house...back out in yard more calling, more flashlights.  It was awesome!  Then dad finally looked in the sleeping basket on our deck...2 feet from the back door.  I was snoozing there the whole time, watching all the excitement.  Sometimes it's fun to yank their chain a bit.  I mean they could have checked there first, right?  With a hint of spring in the air, let the games begin!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

It khan be fun to get their hearts racin'!

PeeEssWoo: Hi Grete! I hear there is some good news fur woo!

One Cats Nip said...

Oh Jonesie your gonna make a great mentor for that neighborhood kitty....I must admit I'm jealous she gets to learn from the best!

Anonymous said...

Ya gotta keep 'em on their toes - that is what we say. So cool to see your dirt. We can't find the ground yet. Still got lots of white stuff on it.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Good luck with those trees! I hope they do well and produce. The Woman loves peaches best of all! And I'm impressed with that hole you dug. You did dig the hole right?

Tatyanna (and Dorian too) said...

Oh Jonesie, you always tell the funniest stories; both my mom and I agree! It's great that you are passing on your gardening skills to "Freeta" -- she is very pretty too! Happy Friday!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Oh Cory, you sure yanked the Bein's chains this time! MOL! I love doin that myself. He thinks I'm outside and calls and calls, and I am nappin on the bed all warm an cozy ignorin all the calls!


Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Freeta is yoor noo apprentice? But I'm still numero uno aren't I? 'Cos I was yoor apprentice ferst wasn't I? So I'm still yoor favrit?

Alfie Marshall (feeling a bit jellyuss)

Karen Jo said...

I think it's nice that you have a garden apprentice, Jonesie. Our ground is beginning to show through the snow a bit.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Freeta looks like she has lots of potential Jonesie! Your trees sound wonderful. The PM is jealous. She's just looking in her gardening catalogues.

I love the late night excitement you had. Well, your parents had. You just observed. MOL!

Purrs Goldie

Forever Foster said...

Hi Freeta! You sure are a pretty kitty, and you've found yourself a very good teacher in Jonesie.

Good work freaking out the parentals, Jonesie!:)

The Island Cats said...

Jonesie, it's great you have a new garden apprentice! And Freeta is doing a great job there!! Those trees are gonna bring you lots of fruit to whap!!

And good job scaring your humans a gotta keep them on their toes!!

Jacqueline said...

You have an adorable little friend to mentor, Jonesie; there is so much work to do, it's nice to get some neighborhood help...Good luck with the trees...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Kea said...

Freeta did a great job, we thought--you are a terrific mentor, Jonesie!

We hope the trees flourish!

Cat with a Garden said...

Do you get Mirabelles where you live, Jonesie? Mom has very fond childhood memories of a tree in her mom's garden, that always bore the most delicious fruits. She says that they are hardly ever for sale here, so she's having bad Mirabelle turkey. Maybe your dad could plant a tree for you. Your furriends seems to have very good manners. With such a big yard as yours a promising apprentice comes in handy. You have a sleeping basket outside? Mooooom!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli

Angel Simba said...

Lovely to have gardening posts two days in a row! Do you get along well with Freeta and the other visitors? My Mom and Dad are afraid of me seeing any visiting cats if I am outside because I want to chase them, and they are afraid I will go too far awy while I do so, or get into a battle with them.

CCL Wendy said...

Jonesie, you are so kind to mentor your little neighbour kitty, Freeta! You let her do the fun things like patting down the ground.

I sure hope the new trees do well and that they are fruitful. Imagine all the new cat toys they could produce!

And, that's a good one about your Mom and Dad looking everywhere for you and you were right under their noses! LOL!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Y'all do such good work in the garden! Have a wonderful weekend!!!

The Whiskeratti said...

Welcome Freeta, to Jonesie's Garden. She haz much to teach!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Hi Jonesie,

Fanks for the message on my bloggie. As long as I'm still impawtant to you, and still numero uno to yoo, that's OK.

Love Alfie Marshall xx


Jonesie your new friends has great potential and by the time the garden is in full bloom I think you will have a new apprentice!

purry purrs

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We really look forward to gardening with you each week, Jonesie. And Freeta does show great promise!!!!!!

We hope the trees will do great and your beans will have lotza peaches and apricots....although we're sure you'll agree that a crop of catnip would be much nicer?????

We think yanking their chains every now and then is a necessity!!!!!


Love Meow said...

Freeta you are so adorable :). Jonesie, you are an excellent mentor :). Good luck with those trees.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said... apprentice! We bet you will train Freeta very well!

Raymond and Busby said...

Looks like fun! Your neighborcat looks nice.

The Florida Furkids said...

How nice of you to teach another kitty how to garden! We think Freeta Bandeeta is a cute name too.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Amy & the house of cats said...

Jonesie you are such a great mentor to the young gardencats! And that is exciting that you are going to have some new fruit trees - we will send purrs for them too!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Your new apprentice looks like a fast learner. We hope the new trees do well.

umi_e said...

your are a good supervisor :P

Anonymous said...

Jonesie, you are very nice to the neighbor cat Freeta Bandita. We are... not so much. We hiss and growl at them when we see them. Mom says we could take THAT lesson from you today.

Thank you all for your non-stop purring. We really appreciate it. Mom let us out of the office this morning since we have been so good. We are all in the office with Mom now though. Mom is just shaking her head. hahahaha!

Um... could you tell us how you 'discouraged' other cats from coming in your yard? We'd really like to do that without calling animal control. Those feral cats are really upsetting our Patio Enjoyment Time.

PS. Hi, Cory! xo

Ariel said...

Guess you could say Freeta has a green paw.I too love to hide and make mom go crazy with fright so funny.

Quill and Greyson said...

Nice of you to train the neighbor!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Nice gardening weather! We hope your trees live--our mewmie said she loves fresh apricots-her Nana used to grow them in the desert...hope they like Oregon!

Cliff and Olivia said...

A neighbor gardening cat. Great!