Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday in the Garden with Jonesie

Sometimes there is work to be done in the yard other than gardening. Hard to believe, but it's true.  It's important that I remain flexible to give assistance to my dad whenever he needs it.

What's that mom?  You have a special assignment for me? 

Oh dear, I've got to snoopervise my dad digging up the septic tank.  Yuck!  Ok, it's a tough job but someone's got to do it.

Time to move on. I think I need to smell some of our Winter Daphne now. 

I found some carrots that stayed in the ground over the winter.  I made sure that mom dug them all up so they woudn't go to waste.  I'm positive she would have forgotten all about these little gems if I didn't remind her. I think she has found the last of them.  A good garden cat has got to be able to multi-task!  That's why I was so successful at Biathlon in last weeks Cat-O-Lympics!

Guess what?  Mom says I can post again tomorrow because I have a special surprise to share.    There are a few new additions to our garden and some unexpected help!

Please leave a link and let me know what's been happening in your garden.  Even if you've been snowed in or rained on!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

We have some of those over wintered carrots that we need to pull as well. I think the Woman needs to get out as soon as it stops raining...

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Hi Grete!

I like kharrots!

Do woo think I khould have them?

PeeEssWoo: 'They' say we are getting more SNOW!

Anonymous said...

You have been so furry busy in your garden and we see GRASS. WOWZA! No grass here - just snow...sigh. But momma says to be patient and we will see our flowers again and hear the little birdies.

Jacqueline said...

Good job Jonesie!...We're impressed how you stay on top of everything in your garden...We're looking forward to tomorrow's post!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Well done Jonesie, we hope you got tunas for your efforts!!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Those winter carrots are pawsome! I'm not sure abowt snoopervising yoor dad in kleening owt the poop tank though! MOL!

I think yoo are the BEST multi-tasker I know Jonesie. No wonder yoo was so good at Biathalon.

I'm on my way over on my boggie mat straight away 'cos we have stuff to ponder and plan. :wink:

Love Alfie Marshall xx

Cat with a Garden said...

Yeah, one has to be careful with those special assignments by the mom. We are so curious what you will show us tomorrow!!!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You are such a versatile helper, Jonesie!

Good move to smell the Daphne after the septic tank. #1 bought one recently and it's on the porch and smells just so divine every time she opens the door. In Japan, they are everywhere in huge bushes and this time of year is so deliciously fragrant thanks to them!

Kea said...

You're a fabulous gardener, Jonesie. You can come here and help us with our tiny space! BTW, our human didn't know there was such a thing as winter carrots. Of course, we're in Canada--no winter carrots for us, except in grocery stores. LOL.

P.S. A big YUCK re. the septic tank.

The Creek Cats said...

Our mom is just in awe of your lush green grass! Wow!

Anonymous said...

We've never heard of Winter Daphne. . . we'll have to Google it and see if it will grow here. As for helping with the poop tank, be SURE to stay away from the edge of the hole so you don't fall in!

The Island Cats said...

That's what we love about you, Jonesie, you're not afraid to get your paws dirty!!

Forever Foster said...

Your winter daphne is so very pretty. Can your mum send you over here for a while to kick our mum into gear in our garden?

Angel Simba said...

Jonesie, you are a real inspiration. I wish I could find some carrots to be dug up! Our property is too shady for a vegetable garden, which is the only negative about living here.

From reading this post of yours, I am getting the feeling maybe Spring is not too far off after all! But for us it is more snow today.

The Florida Furkids said...

EWWW septic tanks aren't fun.

What would your Mom do without your help? Finding those carrots was pawsome.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Raymond and Busby said...

Jonesie, we have had quite a bit of rain here in Santa Cruz County. We need the rain, but it keeps our Mom out of the garden. Mostly she has been weeding here and there. We do have sweet peas that we planted in December that look like they will bloom in the next few weeks. We will keep you posted!

Cat Naps in Italy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
umi_e said...

you look having fun helping your dad and mum in the garden ;)

* have a nice day :)

Love Meow said...

It's still very snowy here. Your garden looks beautiful. My kitties and I can't wait for Spring to come. :)

One Cats Nip said...

My outside sanctuary has been out of commission for a while covered in snow or rain whatever the elements throw my way...I haven't been out in what seems like ages it's just not fair. But mom says those carrots look nice!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Ewwwwwww!!! Septic tank=ginormous litterbox! you were good to even snoopervise a little bit!

Brian's Home Blog said...

We don't have a garden, that's why we look forward to seeing you in your garden!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Jonesie it is so great that you help out in the garden. And we are very curious what your post will be about tomorrow!


We need your help in our garden this year. My Momma hasn't gotten a green thumb or anything else!

Good job today!

Purry purrs

The Whiskeratti said...

Jonesie, you werk so very hard! We hope you are properly paid for all that you do.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

You are such a good gardening kitty. We only have flowers in our little garden but apart from the jasmine, none is blooming well at present.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

That is so good ya can get outside and watch over the yard work. An good fer you fer gettin those carrots dub up. We gotta few left inna ground, but those were left to bloom fer the butterfly caterpillers.

We are plantin our first seeds this year this weekend. Yay!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I can send Eric to help with the septic tank. He is very good at rolling in poop. Mum has to dig all our carrots in the autumn because the slugs come and eat them if she doesn't.

JC said...

You are a true Garden Snoopervisor !!!

Pip said...

Silly Jonesie, makes your mommy and daddy all worried.
Is grates you pass your mad-garden skills on.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Sorry we are late our puter was dead yesterday. Daddy revived it today. We LOVES your Winter Daphne, it is very pretty.

Your helper looks very attractive and like a hard worker and we thinks the fruit trees are a GREAT idea. We will help you purr for them. Our peach & cherry trees didn't make it. But the cherry trees sure were pretty the first spring when they BLOOMED. ~AFSS

Just Ducky said...

Way to fake out the beans, hide in plain site. Mum says yum to the peach trees.

Cliff and Olivia said...

That was some master gardening there.