Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tabby Tattletale Tuesday

It has come to my attention that some non-tabbys out there are trying to sit in sun patches to gain the beautiful bold stripes they naturally lack.  Even Cory whippersnapper was trying to do it...but guess what?  She failed!  I thought I'd rub it in and go for the double stuff today...kind of like a double stuff cookie only more beautiful.

Meanwhile, I've had to suffer through the Olympics.  The only good part is that mom is spending more time sitting on the couch watching it all which means more lap time for all of us.  I had no interest in competing for a sport since adorable belly exposing wasn't an event.  That is my specialty.  Maybe they'll add it for the 2012 games.

We are all still locked out of the bathroom.  The toilet is back but mom and dad said something about way more to do in there and Cory keeps trying to run in there to nom on plastic bags and stuff.  She's a bit nutty, I mean naughty.  Mom fusses over her and says how cute and adorable she is.  Makes me want to hack up a hairball.

Grete woofie goes back to the v-e-t for her check up this week.  She has been on limited leash walking after her incident of being roughed up at the dog park.  She's making us all crazy because she wants to play and doesn't understand why she can't cut loose.  I would say purr for her, but really I want you to purr for me because she's been so annoying.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...



PeeEssWoo: Hi Grete! I know better: woo AREN'T annoying!

Sophie said...

Ginger, I love your tattle tuesdays.
I bet you would get along well with Caroline from William of Mass Destruction.

♥ Sophie

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Yes Chey never gets stripes even though she sits in the sun! I know she secretly wishes for mine. I feel for you.


Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We'll do some purring for you!

Jacqueline said...

Ginger, you are gorgeous in the sun...We hope Grete has a good check up at the vet and can run wild again!!...And we really hope both our homes are back to normal and the workmen leave soon!!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Anonymous said...

ABs. Mai haz dat. Adorable Belleh iz also Whitey's specialty, Ginger! Mai iz hissed that there wuz no event for that. Iz no gud.

Dreamy Eyes should be an event. Mai haz dem, too.

Hi, Cory! xo

Forever Foster said...

Heh heh heh. Tell it like it is, Ginger!:)

Cat with a Garden said...

Chilli sure is purring for Grete. She says she purrectly understands how annoying her situation must be.
Beautiful picture, Ginger!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Ginger, we just love yoor tattle Tuesdays! Yoo make us larf and larf. Don't stop tattling!

Anonymous said...

That's such a beautiful photo -- stripes on stripes! We love stopping by to visit and 'get the news'.

Parker said...

Grete is gonna' be so happy when she gets the all clear to romp!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

You look beautiful in the sunbeams!

Cliff and Olivia said...

The double stripes are gorgeous!

We'll purr for Grete and hope everything goes well at the vet.

The Island Cats said...

Oh Ginger...double stripes today! How can I ever compete with that??


Kea said...

Ginger, double stripes--wow! No one can match you in your gorgeousness.

Good luck to Grete at the v-e-t!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Ginger you are always full of the best gossip!

Purrs out to both you AND Grete!!

The Whiskeratti said...

Oh, Ginger, what a tuff life you have.

Raymond and Busby said...

Ooops! Guess I am busted, Ginger. I admit I tried to be a tabby last Tuesday. I thought I had fooled everyone, but obviously you were not amused!

We hope Grete's appt goes well, poor woofie. xoxo


What a lovely photograph of you!
We loved your tell all posting!

Poor Grete!
We will purr for you.

purry purrs

CCL Wendy said...

Of course Ginger -- I mean, it's all about you, really! All those other kitties are just annoying.

You look wonderful with your stripes on stripes -- very artistic of you!

Keep up the gossip -- I love it!

One Cats Nip said...

You are one lovely tabby lady! You don't need those window stripes your stripes are lovely enough! BTW I understand the dog nonsense that why i dont keep them in my house anymore

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

No doubt about it, Ginger: the only true tabby is a true tabby!

We are keeping all paws crossed for Grete. Tommy well understands how she feels and can't bear it.

Love Meow said...

No worries, Ginger. You will be all right. We are always here for ya! :)

Jme said...

Toby would definitely make it on the U.S. Olympic Adorable Belly Exposing team with Ginger!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We love your beautiful double stripes Ginger. We hope Grete's vet visit goes well.

Angel Simba said...

Doublestuff Tabbyness is such a brilliant idea!

Poor you, you have to put up with so much from the others, don't you? Even the parents with all the Olympics watching. To be honest with you,it all looks pretty similar to me - lots of white, with people taking ridiculous chances doing dangerous things.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Ginger you are gorgeous with the double stripes!

And we know that adorable belly exposing wasn't in the regular olympics or cat-o-lympics, but it sounds more like a summer sport so you can probably participate then!

And we hope Grete gets better! And if she is better she won't be annoying - double bonus!

Quill and Greyson said...

Puurrr Ginger

Jans Funny Farm said...

Well, we can see how you feel about Cory and Grete ... and yourself.

Did we miss something about Grete getting roughed up at the dog park or did we ... uh, forget?

umi_e said...

Purring and praying for you - hope you always fit!

* Please stop at our blog and do accept our special card as our most sincere gratitude and love for your support... Thanks & take care

~purrs & hugs~

JC said...

Did you help ?

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oh Ginger....you must be more accepting of all your housemates! Grete needs our purrs, cause hse is still hurt and having thsoe other woofies attack her was not a good thing.

We do agree....they need a floofly tummy category for the Cat-olympics!