Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday Stuff

We have had an interesting week. On Tuesday, we discovered that my sister Cecilia had bladder issues. News update from the v-e-t is that she does not have a stone, only crystals and the prescription food should help her. In the meantime mom is not too happy because the ingredients in the prescription food are not that great (meaning by-product meal...yuk)! She will be trying to work with the v-e-t to figure out a long term solution given all of our needs. Mom is worried that the fish variety Fancy Feast that she got in a pack of 36 cans has contributed to Cecilia's issues. No more fish flavors for us since the v-e-t said no more fish.
I got a happy surprise when my mom said there was a package addressed to me from The Cat Realm. I was a judge in the I Dare You All event, so I got presents! Here I am with my momma Ellie checking out the goodies!

Don't I make a cute judge?

Oh, I loved this little mousie toy! I carried it around the house!

The biggest surprise of all was Grete dog. I had no idea she was such a ham! I think she was so surprised at how many woofies and kitties wished her a happy birthday this past week, it kind of went to her head.
In other Sunday news, I still have not seen what picture my mom got framed. It was supposed to go up this weekend, but it has to wait because my mom said the kitchen wall color is all wrong and it needs to be re-painted.


Sweet Purrfections said...

What a lot of presents. Looks like a good time will be had by all this weekend.

Anonymous said...

We wish to con-cat-ulate you on your big score wif da purr-esents and to also say dat Grete looks really cute!

Anonymous said...

Wot great presents you received ~ concats!

We was wondering, maybe you know having been a judge ... wot is happening about the "I dare you" events?

Have a great Sunday!
Milo and Alfie xx

Forever Foster said...

We are relieved to hear that Cecilia does not have a stone. Just the thought makes us cringe a lot!

You look so cute in your judges wig, Cory:)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are glad Cecilia doesn't have stones and hope your mum can sort out good foods with the vet. Concats on a great package. Grete dog looks cool in her shades.

CCL Wendy said...

Wow, you sure got lotsa neat-o stuff from The Cat Realm! And I had to giggle at the picture of Grete with her sunglasses! Too funny!

Yes, I don't feed my kitties any fish flavours at all. Good idea to stick to the chicken, beef and turkey.

The Island Cats said...

We hope you can find some better foods for Cecelia to eat. Our mom says if you do some research, there are better foods for bladder issues other than the prescription diets which sometimes aren't all that great (we don't like all those by-product junk either!).

Cool stuff from the Cat Realm! We really like Grete in those cool shades!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

What great stuff! Hope you have a wonderful day!!!


The Monkeys said...

That's a great prize!

Our Mom had the same reaction to the food our Vet recommended for Samson's bladder problems. So she's just added some grain-free wet food with GOOD protein (no by-products or meal).

Daisy said...

Oh, I am glad that Cecilia does not have any rocks in her bladder. That is No Fun! I was on prescription food (C/D) for a couple of years after my bladder stone surgery, and that vet said I had to be on it for life! But our new (holistic) vet said it would be much better for me to just be on a high quality wet food. I also have my urine tested periodically. So far, no recurrences of the rocks!


*whew* Dat wuz gud noos bout Cecilia! And all dohs prezzies...wowie dat wuz grate! Grete yoo is one cool woofie!


The Kitty Krew said...

We are very happy to hear Cecilia had no stones in her bladder. Good luck on the food thing, we're struggling with that ourselves but got some good advice from our Mommy's post on Friday (we let her borrow the blog).

Looks like you got some great presents, Cory, enjoy them! The glasses look great on Grete (LOL that sounded funny).

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Parker said...

What a great haul - Grete has a future in the movies I think!

Jasmim said...

Glad that Cecilia is better!
We love the photos, especially the photo of Grete, very funny!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Cool photo of you with that mousie toy!

Great presents from your friend!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We are glad to hear that good news about Cecilia! And such great gifts. You are very lucky!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Did we miss something about eating fish? We've been driving Jan crazy the past couple of months. Every time she tries to take us kitties of the fishy smelling crunchies, we refuse to eat.

Crystal, Cotton, Cyndi, Percy, Cameron & Rusty

Quill and Greyson said...

Glad Cecilia is okay. What a nice gift you all got!

The Cat Realm said...

Hahahahahahahaha - we love Grete with the glasses!
We hope Cecilia will be better soon! We are not allowed to eat anything that has 'by-products' in the ingredient list.... we are not even allowed to eat Temptations after the staff read that ingredient list...... Lots of water, we think Cecilia should drink lots of water!
Lots of purrs!

Whimpurr said...

So happy that Cecilia is feeling better! You look so wise in your judge's attire! What a cool gift package and Grete is really stylin' in those glasses! ;o)

Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow you make a great judge in that picture!

I am glad that there were no stones and I understand what your mom is saying about the by-products but if it is prescription I would think it would be good to use for a while to be sure the crystals are gone - maybe the by-products are what help change the pH (ok, I really am not sure). And I had never heard about fish food being a problem - that is interesting and it is making me want to do more research about crystals in general. And Grete looks great in those glasses!