It's been a busy week in the garden. Sometimes I have a hard time keeping up with it all. I am very proud that I have a very special friend,
Alfie Marshall, who is a garden-cat-in-training. I am making sure I'm giving him good advice so he can grow up to be a master gardener
snoopervisor like me! Make sure you check out his adventures!

Since it's been so hot and sunny, I make good use of the garden cart for a nice spot to nap between
snoopervising assignments. It's important for garden cats to be creative in their use of tools and equipment.

You may need to
biggify the picture to even see me here! The potato plants are getting a bit out of control!

I can see the carrots and parsnips are coming along nicely.

Ginger has helped me pick a bowl of peas for mom and dad's dinner. I hope they turn it in to something yummy. Watching peas grow is hard work. As a garden cat, I like knowing that I'm contributing to dinner and helping make sure mom and dad eat food that is grown at home.

Uh oh....

To be continued....
Looks like somebody is getting ready to nab a green bean!
nonoooo, the vege theif!!! hahahah
What a glorious garden you has!! That must be so much work.. I think maybe you has wheat istead of grass judging by the length of it.. *runs my cheeky butt away* hahaha
It is very pretty and green :)
Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!! Jonesie, your peas need you! Please Cory, give peas a chance! Hahahaha!
Mum has been trying to grow our cat grass and nip in little pots in the bathroom. She went in yesterday to find someone had had a real go at the grass (which despite the odds, is actually growing). There was a real mess, and the grass took a beating. Mum walked out shaking her head saying "Jonesie never would have allowed this to happen". Dad has been teasing her ever since!:)
Jonesie, we can see how all your hard work in the garden is paying off!
Cory...back away from the peas...
You do a great job working in the garden. We hope your Mom and Dad got to eat some of the peas before Cory got to them.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Poor Jonesie -- all that hard work, and Ginger's, too, and it looks like it's all going to end up for naught! That fegan, Cory, looks like she's about to eat all the pickings!
Tee it wrong that we enjoy posts that end in "uh oh"? You do such a great job of the gardening, Jonesie, and you're a good kitty for helping Alfie out in his efforts, too!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
What a lovely garden you have. Our peas are not doing so good. Next year we will move them with the other plants instead of where they are--they did well last year but this year the plants are so small and hardly any peas on each vine... sigh.
Jonesie, I am glad you are taking Alfie Marshall under your, er, wing and helping him learn to be a good gardener like yourself!
It looks like Cory is about to steal a pod. Does she know that when the pod is unzipped, there are bunches of little round toys in there?
Jonesie, your garden is looking lovely. You are doing an excellent job.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie are an excellent garden cat!!!
You are very well taken care of your garden! Each day more beautiful ^^
Jas & Gi
Uh oh, looks like Cory has spotted the peas!
Jonesie, you do such a fabulous job. Our mom is very jealous of your fabulous garden.
Hi Jonesie - I just came over from Alfie's blog - it is nice to meet you. I think you and Cory have a great blog - I can't wait to check out more of it.
Also, I know Alfie mentioned a problem leaving comments - I had trouble getting on here too and wanted to let you know that if you move your followers gadget to the bottom that usually fixes the problem - I had the same thing and that is what Blogger says to do in their help site. I know it stinks to move it so low but it seems to fix the problem at least until they do a real fix on it.
Jonesie, you must be a Master Gardener by the looks of your fabulous garden! I spy a bean absconder! Uh oh!
"I couldn’t figure out how to move the followers gadget to the bottom of the page so I just removed it. Please let me know if this seems to help, then at least I’ll know that’s the problem"
YAY! Here we are commenting again! We are SO pleased! Thank you.
Smooches from Milo and Alfie xx
(Mom is thrilled too!)
Wow! Your garden is doing so well. Ours is full of weeds.
You are a very good garden cat!
Snoopervising!!!! AH, I love it! This looks like some seriously fun gardening with purrfect snoopervisors.
Many purrs,
The SnipPet Girl
Wowie, you are a wunnerful garden kitty and it looks like you're gettin some great assistants! Momma and Daddy have a garden, too, and they love their home grown foodies!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Pawsome snoopervising and gardening der!! Oh noes! What is dat paw doings in da blow of peas?
Your garden is just amazing with all your hard work. Surely Cory can have a pea right?
I have a feeling those peas didn't make it to the dinner table...
Jonesie you are doing a GREAT job with the garden! I sure hope Cory doesn't knock that bowl of peas over!
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