Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday Post SuperBowl

Who needs the Super Bowl when you can watch the Puppy Bowl and the Kitten Half Time show? We spent our Sunday watching the action...and we didn't care about the commercials.

I preferred the Puppy Bowl, but my momma Ellie being...well, you know my momma...she can't resist the kittens. She said it reminds her of when I was little and she was nursing me.
We hope you got a chance to watch the action!
Meantime, I was supposed to get a present from my mom. She has been talking about "redecorating" for a long time. I thought she meant taking down the silly wallpaper in the kitchen. Turns out she gave me a new blog design! I love it! Thank you to Chica & Pumuckl Blogger Designs for their brilliant assistance. My mom and I knew what we wanted, but Ana knew how to make it happen! Mom, the blog was a nice surprise, but I still would have liked a new package of socks.


PDX pride said...

Wow! You actually get to be in front of the tv? We have to watch it from the couch.

Parker said...

Your design is beautiful! We love it a lot - Ana is very talented!

The Creek Cats said...

We love your new design, it is awesome!!
We didn't watch the super bowl yesterday and didn't even know about the puppy bowl! We bet that would have been lotsa fun to watch!

The Island Cats said...

We watched the kitty halftime was fun!

(pee ess. ping pong balls are a really cheap toy and lots of fun to play with!)

(pee pee ess. thanks for playing some Sheryl Crow today!)


We love your new design it's purrfecto!

gosh darnit Momma furgot about that show and did not let us watch it. She got too caught up in dat silly futsball game!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I of course missed out on the half time show because the Woman was too busy on the computer...

Anonymous said...

We didnts get to watch the Puppy bowl or anyfing. We was too busy nappin off the nip.

We loves yer new bloggie design!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Oh Cory, Teri said she will save all her onesie sockies just fur you! They're used though, we like 'em that way cuz we think feet are the other "stinky goodness", MOL

Be sure to stop by our Curlz blog, cuz there's an award for being so special waiting there for you!

The cats of Furrydance and Teri

Quill and Greyson said...

How did we miss the kitty half time. MOMMY!!

Love the new look.

Sweet Purrfections said...

What a nice new blog design.

I totally forgot about the puppy bowl.