Hi everyone, I'm up in a tree today. I have been staying out of the drama that is playing out in the house.
Ok, maybe it's not so dramatic, but according to my mom, Nigel is still hanging out behind the couch because the last time he came out he got neutered. Mom tries to explain to him that it's a one time deal but he's not hearing it. Everyone continues to sniff at the door in the hallway, including Grete. Ellie darted in the room when mom went in to feed Nigel...they got to take a look at each other, but that was about all...no hissing happened during the encounter.

Meanwhile, I'm having a grand time. I'm letting my mom rub my belly on a regular basis, and she is telling me that she hopes that Nigel will one day do the same. It only took 1 year for my mom to be able to rub my belly so hopefully Nigel won't take as long since belly rubs are nice. I miss hanging out with Nigel in the yard, but I know he's doing great and one day we will hang out again. My willow tree is starting to look like the leaves are thinking about coming back for spring. It's a great tree and it's fun to sit up here and watch everything. When I go in at night Madison is there waiting for me. He is waiting until it's really spring to go outside.
What a grand tree! We hope Nigel will join the household soon.
Cecilia, you look like you are enjoying your tree. We hope Nigel starts to trust your mom again soon.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Patience is the hardest thing. Patience for the leaves to come out, patience for Nigel to come out, patience for fancy feast to be served... Argh, it's so hard!!!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
What a lovely tree to hang out in. It looks like there is a lovely little seating area ... just right for a cat!
That is a great perch you've got up there. You must be able to supervise the whole neighbourhood from up there.
We are sure that Nigel will start to come around soon. It is cute that Ellie wants to get in to meet Nigel:)
Cecilia, that is one great tree you've got there! We are practically treeless around here.
We sure hope Nigel starts chillaxing a little and comes out from behind the couch soon. We just think it's gonna take some time.
Thanks so much for stopping by and for your comforting words for Cal! He really seems to be doing well. Mom ordered a baby scale to keep a check on his weight. It will be here next week. Paws crossed that he will have gained some weight back by then!
That is one awesome tree Cecilia!!! Our trees here are not that wide!! We have some tall pine trees but they are pretty skinny.
I hope Nigel comes out of hiding soon and will someday get back out to enjoy the wilds with you!
Purrs Goldie
Wow, Cecelia! What fun to be able to climb a tree! We hope Nigel comes around soon...he will...we always do sooner or later...
What a great tree to sit in and look out and about your yard. Our trees are all tall and straight. Sigh.
Cecilia, I am in awe of your rockin' cool willow tree. What a perfect place to survey your domain!
Woah cecilia that is an excellent viewing tree!
I am sure that Nigel will be playing nd a getting petted in no time, you guys just has to reassure him a little bit.. maybe he might come out for a fevver wand? :P hehe
I am an expert on trees and I can see that you have an excellent specimen there. Great vantage point, comfortable seating, good escape routes.
Dat is so high up, we isnt sure we cud do dat ourselves. I guess we isn't goin to know, the mom said NO WAY fer us goin outside here. *sigh*
Hi Cecilia! Tummy rubs, they really are awesome!
Cecilia,you look so cute sitting in that HUGE tree!!!!!!!! I wish I had a nice tree like that !!
While I am not crazy about belly rubs,Tillie lives them!!!!! Georgia puts up with them,heehee
Purrs Mickey
Oh that is a nice perch. I think Nigel will come out at some point.
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