Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday Morning Coffee

We've been losing sleep around here because of the cat soon to be formerly known as Bojangles. We need some extra strong coffee so dad is back to making Turkish coffee. I love it because of the cat sized cups, even if I won't touch the stuff.

Turns out Mr. B is a singer just like me. He's been singing really loudly in the middle of the night. He's not quite as good as me, but then again he doesn't have a boot sock in the room for inspriation. He's still laying low.Posted by Picasa

Mom and Dad continue to try out names on him to see if he responds to any of them.


Forever Foster said...

When things settle down, maybe you could get a duet going. That would be fun!

PDX pride said...

We gave you an award! Check our blog for it.

MOL! The java song's playing on your page as we're reading this post: how appropriate! :)

Cat with a Garden said...

Wow, another singer! When did you say was his surgery scheduled? That could change the singing bit... You poor guys - missing sleep is the worst!

Parker said...

You two can sing duets!

The Creek Cats said...

We can't wait to find out what name Mr.B will end up with!!!

Sweet Purrfections said...

I wonder how long the singing will last after the surgery . . .

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think Parker is right--a duet would be lovely in the middle of the night!

The Island Cats said...

We hope you all are able to get some rest soon!

When Zoey moved upstairs into her room, she would bang on the door at 4am. Her room is right next to mom and dad's bedroom...needless to say, mom didn't get much sleep then...

Daisy said...

I hope Bojangles will tell you his true name soon!

Tuck said...

You will soon find the right name for Mr. B! I didn't tell my mom and dad my name right away either...sometimes it just takes a little while!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

I know the feeling!! It was crazy here when Banshee first came. Things are pretty calm now most of the time.

You have the PM hankerin' for a cuppa java now. Better go warm up the french press.

Love the new look by the way!!

Purrs Goldie

Cliff and Olivia said...

We look forward to the first single!

The name game is very exciting!

Anonymous said...

Ohh Miss Cory I just loves the coffee.. in fact momm and dadda have to be so careful with it around me a cause I is just a coffee fiend.
hahha I think it is very nice of Bj to show his appreciation of a wonderful new home by singing lullabys! Momma is a razzle frazzling :P hehe


Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with that, I do some singing myself!

~ Trooder ~

Mr. Hendrix said...

Awesome! You guys can sing a duet and I'll play the guitar! I'm very glad soon to be formerly Mr. Bojangles is safe and warm with you all. We're sure he will learn to love you all very soon. How could he not?

PS Mr B, buddy, trust me, you won't even miss those hoohas

The Florida Furkids said...

You could start your own band! Mom says the Turkish coffee sounds good to her!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Quill and Greyson said...

Wonder what Mr BJ will be named?