Thursday, November 17, 2011

Society of Feline Gardeners- Thursday in the Garden with Jonesie


Welcome back to my garden!  It's a good thing that I got some work done last weekend.  We had a big rain and wind storm move in on Wednesday so I won't be headed back to the garden any time soon.

I had a VERY productive weekend and I can hardly wait to show you!

Let's get this party started mom.  My club members are here... 

Do I have to claw your leg to get your attention?

There, that's better!  I love you too mom.

Now...on to my garden.

Dad got out his shovel when I pawed at the beet garden.  I reminded him that the beets were telling me that it was time to come out of the dirt.  I could tell by the way the dirt felt under my paws that they were ready, but sometimes you have to listen too.

Yes dad...the potatoes wanted to come out too.

Good job Dad.  You know what?  I'm a great gardener, but when it comes to digging out the veggies, my paws need help.  Dad is much more talented with a shovel than I'll ever be.

See what teamwork can do?  There were carrots that were ready to harvest so we dug them up too.  One of the best things about being a garden cat is being able to provide for my family.  They always oooh and aaaaah when they see what I've grown.  It's a much better response than showing up with a deaded mousie.

I always wait for Dad when he puts away the garden tools.  I wouldn't dream of leaving him alone to do that by himself.

So...when you saw Figgy and Bennette snoozing earlier this week?  Yeah...I was there too with Dad.  After a hard day's work in the garden, we deserve a rest.



Forty Paws said...

Those are beeeeyoutiful veggies! But a dead mouse wouldn't hurt either.

Luf, Us

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Look at all those beautiful vegies. You earned a good rest didn't you?

Summer at said...

That is a great harvest, Jonesie! I am quite impressed. Sadly I don't even have a dead mouse for my human... the best I ever come up with is a dead cricket with one of the back legs already missing! (Can I help it if I like to nibble?)

Mr Puddy said...

Wow !!!! your harvest looks Great !!!
You have done a wonderful job, Jonesie !!!
Yep you are deserved a good rest like the rest the crew ; )

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Awesome veggies ~ yoo are my role model Jonesie. But I agree, a tasty mousie is always nice too.

Love Alfie xx

ZOOLATRY said...

Beets 'n' taters 'n' carrots! Just in time for Thanksgiving dinner. What time shall we arrive?

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You're a real star, Jonesie! What a glorious harvest!

The Chans

The Island Cats said...

Jonesie, we can't believe how hard you worked to get all those veggies! Good job!!

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Those veggies look so yummy, our Mommy was drooling over the carrots. We gave up on bringing her mousies, that just made her shriek, so we eats them ourselves.

Cat said...

You sure do deserve a rest Jonesie! What a great crop of veggies you have grown for your family, I am particularly fond of beetroot :-)

Angel Simba said...

That is an amazing harvest, Jonesie. You have a terrific garden.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

What gorgeous veggies! You certainly do know when they want to come out of the ground.

Whisppy said...

That's a mighty harvest. Can you come help OUR mom with our garden?

The Florida Furkids said...

Those veggies look wonderful!! You're a great gardener!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That is a lovely bunch of veggies you grew Jonesie! Great job!

Callie (a.k.a. Trouble) said...

Great looking veggies. We tried a garden here in Dallas last year but found out that when it is over 100 degrees most days and goes 8 weeks without ANY rain, things just don't seem to grow!


What a great gardening post and all those vegetables looked so yummy!!!


Unknown said...

Jonesie Yous the best garden snoopervisor!
Wonderful veggies! Ours never did much this summer. Spring was too rainy and then it gots too hot too fast and now....
We has snow all over it!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Those are lovely veggies you have grown Jonesie. Your dad is very lucky to have you to tell him when he can dig them up.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

TBT is drooling at seein the carrots beets and such! Theyre not big on OUR food list, but they sure do look pretty!

Cat with a Garden said...

That's a wonderful harvest you got there, Jonesie. Well done, providing so well for your family. Everything looks delicious!

Forever Foster said...

You are a very talented gardener, Jonesie. How wonderful to be able to provide such lovely food for your family.

Quill and Greyson said...

::Claps paws:::

meowmeowmans said...

Bravo, Jonesie! Bravo! Those vegetables are simply beautiful. You and your dad make a great team. :)

Teddy Westlife said...

Nice work Jonesie! You sure have a wonderful garden.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Oooh...Aaaaah...Those veggies look yummy! Your family is very lucky to have such a skilled and talented master gardener to help them grow such beautiful veggies.

GLOGIRLY said...

You do a wonderful job with your garden. Glogirly can't grow a thing. She's pathetic. ...or just lazy. But your garden is very inspiring. : )

It's the last week of Searching For A Girl! Just a few more chapters left. We hope you can stop by!
xo Katie & Glogirly

Ellen Whyte said...

If we had you to snoopervise, maybe we'd do better too! We are so jealous of your veggies...

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

What a lovely garden post! so green and filled with lots of veggie goodness! Well done Jonesie!!!