Thursday, June 2, 2011

Society of Feline Gardeners- Thursday in the Garden with Jonesie

::3 paw taps::

Looks like the visitor to our garden last week has not come back around.  It might be because of all the awful weather and rain.  Maybe he forgot the super secret password?

There is SO much to do this time of year.  I had to help mom and dad plant our vegetable garden this past weekend.  There was no time to waste.  If it didn't get planted this weekend it wasn't going to happen at all!  I had to put my paw down.  Figaro, who was being a pest had to be put in his place.  I had to hiss at him.  Once I did that he was a model assistant gardener.  He even sat on mom's shoulder and purred as she planted corn.

Once mom put the lettuce and basil in the ground I had to do my walk through inspection.

Cecilia was VERY helpful and made sure the carrot seeds were placed correctly.

Dad gave me a lift so I could inspect our new peach tree.  There are tiny little fuzzy baby peaches on it!  It's important as a garden cat to get an assist to get a good look at stuff that you can't reach on your own.

It's helpful to purr while you do this.

Once the hard work was over, Grete and I hung out and enjoyed the few dry moments of the weekend.

I hope you are getting purrfect gardening weather.  If you are, please send some our way before the rain and slugs take us over!


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

That looks so great. We are putting out lettuce tomorow. It is a red kind.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Looking good in your garden! Ours is just puttering along--except the radishes. They should be ready to go anytime now!

Summer at said...

How cool that your humans get to grow peaches. My human loves nothing more than peaches fresh off the tree, but they won't grow right in hot, deserty southern California weather. She knows this because she grew up in the San Fernando Valley with a sad, hapless peach tree.

Raymond and Busby said...

Rain and cold weather here! Our tomatoes are very unhappy. We planted carrots too, Baby Babettes. We couldn't believe how tiny the seeds are. They are shivering in the ground now. Looking forward to some sunshine soon. (like, next week?)

Ellen Whyte said...

Peaches! Wow you are clever.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

BOOOOOTIFUL gardening girls!

Purrfect Haven said...

it is such a busy time of the year for us garden cats and we agree that all the help one can get is a good thing. We are loving your planting and look forward to seeing the harvest. Love Darcy and Bingley xx

Mr Puddy said...

Your garden is looking so good !!!
with all you guys' help here, Look like your pawrents is going to get a significant quantities to be harvested this year !!!

The Island Cats said...

Whew! Jonesie, we're glad you finally put your paw down and got those humans working out there! The garden looks good!!

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

We love the way your basil looks. And Wow a peach tree, we has our paws crossed you get some nice peaches to eat.

Fenris said to tell Grete hi for him.

Fuzzy Tales said...

You've all been busy in your garden, what with the veggie planting! It seems that you've had some good help from Cecilia and even Figaro, once you straightened him out.

We wish you all a sunny, dry week!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Looking good there.
I am one unhappy kitty looking at a flooded garden :(

Cat said...

Wow you have been busy Jonesie, good thing you have so many assistants! Mum says she would love to get her hands on all that basil...yum :-)

Quill and Greyson said...

It's looking lovely!

The Florida Furkids said...

Your garden always looks so good!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Brian's Home Blog said...

I just had to come by and see how the profesisonals are doing with the garden...WOW, everything looks great!

Anonymous said...

Your garden is looking awesome!!! You are such good gardener kitties.

No purrfect weather here. It keeps raining!!

Unknown said...

Your Garden is Pawsome!
Me did not post this week. We has had lots and lots of rain, and we did not get out to take pictures and Kozmo wanted to Write about his Meow Meow Me Me! So me being the great hearted kittie me is, me let him.

wildcatwoods said...

Our veggies are up already - have a great day!

Cats of Wildcat Woods

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Great work getting all those plants in. Snoopervising can get tiring. Our weather has been so hot and humid, but now for the next few days we get a break and have gorgeous, cooler dryer air. Mom says she's glad she won't feel like she's melting now.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Great job Jonesie! You are a superb snoopervisor!

CCL Wendy said...

I'm so happy to see you were able to get everything under control at last, Jonesie! You can't control the weather, but you can influence your parents and furblings. Well done!

It's great to see you back at doing what you do so well. And tell your Mommy, I'll really enjoying her new camerawork. That close-up profile of you is simply fabulous my dear!


All it takes is the right snoopervision Jonesie and things get done. WOW does your garden look good. We are so glad that your inspiration help Mom get out in the and make a garden herself this year.


Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

::3 paw taps::

Hi Jonesie! I'm sorry my post is late up ~ it's been a weird week an' I had to spend most of it in our secret HQ inside the wardrobe. As a result I missed owt on gardening. :sheesh:
It looks like you all pulled together to get yoor planting done ~ yoo have a pawsome team of helpers.

Love Alfie xx