Monday, April 11, 2011

Shabby Chic- Decorating Tips

We were planning on showing you some of our very own paw work today, but we got sidetracked by big happenings at our place over the weekend.  I think dad and mom heard about Shabby Chic Day, sponsored by our dear friend Alfie Marshall and didn't want us kitties to upstage them.  Silly humans.

We got suspicious when dad brought out the tools. 

Being the mom, that means it's my job to snoopervise the indoor activities.  Jonesie's got dad covered in the yard, but indoors it's up to me.

This can't be good.

Cory stood back and offered her guidance.

What the?  The floor tile is gone and so is the toilet!!  I sure hope that mom and dad don't  plan on using our litter box.  That would be too weird!  I'm a bit uneasy because I did see mom bring in some extra bags of litter after shopping...

Whoa...the walls are gone too.  This is taking shabby a bit too far!

The bathroom isn't the only redecorating happening around here.  Mom and our good pals from Zoolatry worked to redecorate our blog.  We think it's beautiful.

Too bad that Ann, Maggy and Zoey can't help us with our bathroom.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Wow! You guys have a ton of work to make that cat friendly!

Raymond and Busby said...

Love the new header! Your humans are like ours, they forget that the weekend is for relaxing and instead do all kinds of "projects".

Summer at said...

Whoa! I am really worried too - I would not want MY human using my litter box, that's for sure! I hope your humans plan on setting up their own litter boxes while they redo the bathroom!

P.S. The blog's new look is great - not shabby at all!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

OMC! There is a lot of "Shabbying" going on at yoor place! MOL!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

How exciting to get a new bathroom! There may be some unpleasant noise at times, though. Your new header rocks!

Kea said...

Oh, wow! The mom says this is what she needs to do with her bathroom, and she's got some mystery leak happening. Could she borrow your dad when he's done?

Your blog looks FABULOUS! Truly fabulous! Well done to you all and of course to Ann, who's exceptionally talented at graphic design!

-Fuzzy Tales

Mr Puddy said...

Wow !!! Lots of thing has been done here !!!
You must got a new special area for your litter box.

And Your New Look of the blog looks Great !!! Very Beautiful !!! I like it : )

Angel Simba said...

That really is taking it to the extreme, Ellie - removing an entire wall and the toilet and floor!!!

Angel Simba said...

LOVE the new header picture!

The Whiskeratti said...

We luff the new header! As for the redecorating....uh oh. We hope it all goes well.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We just LOVE your new blog decor!!! As for the other stuff, we hope your dad is a fast worker!

The Chans

The Florida Furkids said...

Beautiful job redecorating the blog!! We need to do that too! We hope your Mom and Dad found another litter box to use and didn't try yours.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

one of Fae's humans said...

i really like your blog's new look! the header is great. :)

it's cool that your dad is so good with his hands. :) hope the redecorating goes well.

Jacqueline said...

Gorgeous Ellie, your parents are so lucky to have you supervise such a big project=good luck with that, sweetie!...We love your beautiful new header too...Happy Monday, lovely friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukkki

The Island Cats said...

Looks like your humans took that shabby chic thing a little too far!!

We love your new blog look!! The header is awesome!!

The Monkeys said...

We sure hope your humans aren't using your litter. That would be too weird!

We LOVE your header and new layout!! We get to see your gorgeous faces even closer!

Mariodacat said...

You had btter hid your litter box before any of the oomans start using it. Dis does not look good at all.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I am totally impressed, you guys are good!!!

wildcatwoods said...

Wow - you hired out!!!! We are impressed.

Cats of Wildcat Woods

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We especially love your new header!!!

Wow! That really is taking shabby chic to the extreme! We hope things return to normal soon!

Forty Paws said...

We luf your new blog pictures!

Uh, that is a bit shabby in the human litter box room. We hope that they have another human litter box room so they don't use your litter boxes!!!!!

Luf, Us

CCL Wendy said...

Yes, we love your new blog and header and all! It's lovely to see all your kitty and woofie faces at once.

Your Dad couldn't have picked a better time to shabby up the bathroom! Although it wasn't due to you kitties, he did an excellent job.

You could shred the wallboard that's exposed though. A little helping paw never hurts.

Barb said...

Ooooh... lucky you! Well, once it's all done! One of these days I'm going to gut my bathroom!

Felted House said...

I just came over to say thank you so much for your message about Archie, it helps to know people (and cats!) care. Cory you are beautiful and remind me so much of Archie, I wish I could come and stroke all of you, so many gorgeous cats all in one place! xx

Cat said...

That is some serious shabby in your bathroom!!! We just love the new look of your blog...just beautiful :-)


Wow that is some shabby chic decorating! We can't wait to see how it all turns out.

Love the way your blog looks great updates!


Just Ducky said...

Way too shabby!

Quill and Greyson said...

The place looks great! But not your bathroom, scared for your litter box...

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wow, theres no way ya could compete with THAT for "Shabby Chic"! Yer Mom and Dad really did the day proud...

Purrfect Haven said...

shabby? good grief - its raised to the ground in there! Good job you are around to oversee! Got a clip board? Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xx