We were invited by Romeo The Cat to participate in a fun event to celebrate National Hairball Awareness Day.
I immediately said yes...well...because I'm a furry furry guy and we have 9 kitties here and we're all rather furry in very different ways. We already had a Furminator that we love, but for participating we received a new Furminator which is special for long haired BIG cats! I'm a big boy with long long furs. I weigh in at 15+ pounds...and counting (that's what my mom says). So to have a special Furminator especially for me was awesome. My brother Nigel could also use it too.
Yeah...admire my furry belly. Everyone does.
Mom went to work "furminating" us. It took her hardly anytime at all to get this pile of furs. We all contributed. Mom spent about 2-3 minutes on each of us. Can you imagine if that pile of furs ended up in our bellies? The Furminator protects us so we don't have get this in our belly and get constipated or gack up huge hairballs all over the house.
So now the fun part. Out of this pile of fur, my mom was asked to create a fun fur creature. She initially thought she'd make a panda bear out of my black and white furs, but then changed her mind.
She was staring at the big pile and asked my dad the first thing that popped into his mind when he saw the fur pile.
Let's see if you can guess...
Yup...ZZ "fur" Top!!!
Sing along with me...."She's got furs...she knows how to use it...."
So the even better part is that there are 25 of us kitties participating and Romeo The Cat will be doing a drawing on April 30th to determine whose rescue organization will win a $500 FURminator donation and whose rescue organization gets to be Romeo's May FURPOWER recipient. That is MAJOR cool! We are joining paws and purring that we get selected because we'd love to see United Paws of Tillamook get some much needed support. They saved Ellie and Cory's lives and we are forever grateful. They continue to do amazing work helping kitties and some woofies too.
You can see the other fur creatures at the PeoplePets website.