Monday, September 6, 2010

Flat Cat Monday

Hi ya...uh...what's this?

Who are you anyway?  You kind of look like me, but smaller...and flatter...

Mom said she was going to flatten me.  I thought it might hurt.  I didn't know what to expect.

So... my mom, who is a total fan of the movie "The Last Starfighter"...which was made, like a kazillion years ago...way before I was now telling me that this is my "Beta Unit".  Wha?  What's a Beta Unit?  To quote the movie "A Beta Unit is a simuloid.  An exact duplicate, but not as loud".

Now I'm just trying to figure out which one of us gets to go to BlogPaws.


Jacqueline said...

What a cute post=your Mom did a great job on Flat Cory!!...Happy week, sweet friends...xoxo..Calle, Halle, Sukki

The Florida Furkids said...

Flat Cory is great! Our Mom wishes she was going to BlogPaws. We know your Mom and Flat Cory will have loads of fun.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

That's a really good Flat Cory, but we think the real you is so much cuter.

Summer at said...

My human is NOT making a flat version of me to take to BlogPaws. I forbid it. I insist on keeping an air of mystery about me.

(But make sure your human hunts down my human - she will give her a cool Dear Sparkle bookmark that has cat tips for humans!)

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Oh your mom is taking you to places? How nice!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Erm ... we hope yoo're not disppointed BUT we suspect yoor simuloid is going to Blogpaws! MOL!

Angel Simba said...

Yeah, I am 98.45% sure it is your Beta Unit that is going to Blogpaws. Sorry. But you wouldn't like to have to go in a PUT to get there, so I think it is better this way.

SeaThreePeeO said...

That is one goo looking flat cat!

Kea said...

Flat Cory is pretty cute, though of course not as gorgeous as the real Cory!

We're sure your mom and your "simuloid" will have a great time!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Flat Cory will have a good time and will represent you well. Flat Brian went to Bark World and he done good!

Anonymous said...

Oh mai goodness! A flat Cory! Iz gud. How did you DO that? Now mai needs to have Momma make me flat!

Momma loved the Last Starfighter, but hasn't seen it in a squillion years!

Nose bonkies to mai Mitten Kitten xo

The Island Cats said...

How cool that you have a Beta Unit! Maybe when you do something bad (which we know you would never do!), you can blame Flat Cory!!

Our mom wanted to go to BlogPaws, but it just didn't work out. Definitely the next one, she says!

CCL Wendy said...

That's a very nice picture Mommy chose to make a flat cat out of you, Cory! I guess it would be too hard to make one that is lifesize, just because most printers couldn't handle it.

We have a flat cat of Domino and Milo, but they are tiny, too.

It's so funny when you see the real kitty beside their 'simuloid'!

Raymond and Busby said...

That is a great flat Cory! Cutting out all that long fur detail couldn't have been easy.

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

We love Flat Cory!!!!
Happy Belated 2nd Blogoversary to all of you ... our silly Momma forgot to help us tell you this yesterday! We are SOOO glad that you are our furriends!
Hugs, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

The Creek Cats said...

Flat Cory is super cute!!!

Our mom used to watch The Last Starfighter with her brother. It was his favorite movie!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think Flat Cory will like the travel more...

The Monkeys said...

It looks like your Mom got Flat Cory to watch over the rest of your household while you go to BlogPaws! Yay!

Cat said...

Great flat cat Cory, I hope your mum will post instructions on how she made it because I would love to have flat cats of my kitties :-)

Sorry I missed your post yesterday, Happy 2nd Blogoversary!!

Cat said...

Thank you Cory!!!!!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Cool Flat Cory! My mom made a Flat Praline when she met Auntie Deb and she left Flat Praline with Auntie Deb. Have fun at Blogpaws!

Daisy said...

Your mom gets to go to BlogPaws?!? COOL! I can't wait to hear all about it!

Carolyon said...

Oh Cory you will be the one your mum will take. That smaller flatter version of you won't be able to give your mum purrs and kisses - that always whens them over.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Flat Coryis a beauty. Almost as beautiful as you.

Ellen Whyte said...

Now everyone will want a Flat Cory!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Those flatcat thingies make us nervous. We mean, what if the Beins just left those all over the place and stopped takin care of us REAL cats...