Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Be The Change For Pets with Figaro

Hi there, Figaro here!  I wanted to let you all know that while my mom was away at BlogPaws, I got sick.  My dad took me to the emergency v-e-t where they found that my temperature was 105.6.  They gave me a shot and some fluids and sent me home with antibiotics.  I was SO glad to see mom when she got home.  I even slept with  her.  I never do that!  

I'm feeling a bit better now and I'm resting on the comfy blankets.  Mom talked to me about her weekend and how she learned about how to Be The Change For Pets!  I know she has already been the change for me.  Not so very long ago I was without someone to care for me or take me to the v-e-t.  I may not like to go, but I realize now that I'm a lucky kitty to have a family to do that for me.  If I was still on my own, who knows what would have happened to me.  I'm only one year old and I can't fend for myself. 

So enough of me now.  I know lots of you wanted to see our swag from BlogPaws.  One of the coolest things was a squeaky dragon toy for Grete woofie.  It was provided by the nice people of Kyjen toys.
Grete got a hold of it and flung it around and squeaked it non-stop!!!  It has squeakers placed all over it's plush body.  If you look closely you can see all the raised areas and each of them has a separate squeaker.

Most of you know our woofie girl is shy when it comes to the camera in the house.  The blur is Grete.  The squeaky dragon was much more cooperative in this photo session.

Cory is showing off some of the swag that was in our bag.  There was more swag that was picked up at the various vendor tables, so we can't remember what was in the bag and what mom picked up along the way.  Mom said her head was still spinning and she doesn't remember some things. 

Swag close up.

Ellie was excited because we got presents from our friend Skeezix!
Skeezix got us a nip nanner, catnip, a feather toy...and mom is crazy over the pink Skeezix cap!

My friend Sparkle had a cool toy to give to us!  She won Best Cat Blog!  How cool is that?

Mom sat with a nice man representing the Kong company.  And guess what?  Yup, he gave my mom toys to bring to us.
Mom got a new book to read.  Do you think Grete will want to read it too?

While all the swag was cool, mom was reminded of the need to Be The Change For Pets

Mom has been the change for all of us, as we can't forget that we are 9 cats and a dog, all figuring out love the second time around.  All of us are rescues.  All of us were homeless at one time.

  Let's put the bitey on being homeless.  One cat or dog at a time, we can make a difference.

Pee Ess:  Something else very cool happened at BlogPaws.  Tomorrow Grete will reveal what it is!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Paws khrossed woo will khontinue to feel better!

That is a LOT of stuff!


As fur Grete's announcement, I know what it is BUT I don't know the final part of it!

I khan't wait - PLUS, it will be a GRETE POST!

PeeEssWoo: Hi Grete! I khan't WAIT!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I am glad you are starting to feel better. I hope it was not just that you missed your Momma...

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

Oooo, I am mad at my human now! She totally missed the Kong people and came home cat toy-less. Yeah, yeah, she did bring home an award, but I can exactly toss it up in the air and chase it around the room, can I?

P.S. I hope you guys enjoy the Sparkle ball!

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

P.P.S. I am also glad Figaro is feeling better! I am sending you purrs - a 105.6 temperature is very Not Good!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We agree about saving cats and adopting them. We got saved at age 11 when our owner no longer wanted us. Our mom is just right for us because she diigently takes care of all of Jack's health issues and has taught little Baby me to have more confidence.

Cat said...

We're so glad you are feeling better and that your Dad took proper care of you. Sometimes when our Mom is away I somehow get sick, but I think it is from being sad and nervous...luckily Mom doesn't go away often...we are always with her usually.

That stuff you got sure looks fun and I bet there were a ton of smells on everything...that alone is interesting I think!

We're glad that you are all with homes and are loved...you are right, all cats and dogs deserve a loving home and to be loved. Purrs, Lautrec and Tiny

Ellen Whyte said...

Poor Figaro. I hope you're feeling better now. Nice swag your mummy got for you all.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We really enjoyed this post, the swag is awesome ~ but wot really touched us was "Let's put the bitey on being homeless. One cat or dog at a time, we can make a difference".

We love this sentence so much that we would like to incorporate it into our bloggie in the sidebar. Would that be OK wiv yoo?

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Sorry, mom pressed the wrong button before we'd finished our message.

And Figaro ~ we are so sorry yoo have been poorly. Thank the paw that yoo have a loving forever home. We agree ~ we wish every kitty and woofie had a loving home. We hope yoo feel much bette soon.

Kea said...

Figaro, we're glad you're better! Does the vet know what the problem was? Did they steal your blood?

BlogPaws sounds like it was a great time and your mom certainly brought home a lot of goodies! That's terrific!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We're so glad you're feeling better, Figaro, and that you have a loving family to take care of you!

That is amazing loot from Blog Paws! Tommy is quite envious of Grete's squeaky dragon!

The Chans

Anonymous said...

Figaro, we're so glad to hear you are feeling better.

And that squeaky Grete Gator is awesome! We went to their website to have a peek. They also have a squeaker wiener dog, a mallard and a cow! The cow looks a little bit like Harley! The penquin and pig were very cute, too!

We're waiting for the aqeakin' Grete Gator post now! Srsly.

Anonymous said...

PS. Smoochies to mai CoryMittenKitten ♥

Parker said...

It would be a much better world if all of the humans would be the change. I know that homeless, unloved animals would be a thing of the past.

Anonymous said...

Hi Fig, We're sorry you got sick but we're VERY glad that you're feeling better now.

And that swag is awesome!! We would even play with Grete's dragon...it looks cool.
We agree with Milo and Alfie... "Let's put the bitey on being homeless..." That just says it all perfectly.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I sure am glad you are feeling better now Figaro, Dad was on the case! That was cool stuff from BlogPaws!!!

The Monkeys said...

Oh Figaro! We're so glad you're feeling better and that you have such a wonderful home and caring humans to take you to the vet when you're feeling sick!

That swag looks awesome! Grete and her toy are adorable!

The Island Cats said...

Figaro, we're sorry you got sick...we hope you are feeling better soon. We bet all that cool stuff in that swag bag will make you feel better!!

And we think Being the Change for Pets is great!

Sweet Purrfections said...

I hope you continue to feel better and better. Looks like Blogpaws was a great success.

Teddy Westlife said...

I'm sorry you were sick Figaro - I hope you are feeling better now.

Marg said...

Gosh, poor Figaro, we are glad to hear you feel a little better. It is not fun to be sick. You got some really neat stuff from Blog paws and so did the dog. We will remember Be the change for Pets. There are sixteen of us here that were homeless.
Hope you have a great day.

Mishkat said...

We're sending many purrs to your mom for adopting all of you - we wish so much that all homeless cats and dogs could find wonderful humans the way you did! And, Figaro, we are very glad you are feeling better - that fever sounds scary.

P.S. Awesome swag! Your mom did good!

The Florida Furkids said...

We're glad your Dad got you to the V-E-T and that you're on the mend!

That swag is amazing!! Mom says we all need to Be The Change.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Angel Simba said...

Figaro, be well, buddy!

Super Swag there. That stainless steel bowl is awesome. My human brother has a huge one like that for his dog, but it is the favorite bowl for drinking from by the cats too.

Can you explain more what Be the Change for Pets invovles?

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We hadta come back and say ~ We think the badge wiv Ellie on will be awesome ~ thanks so much. Can we be ferst to have a copy for our bloggie?

CCL Wendy said...

Poor Figaro! I don't know what a normal temPURRature is for a cat, but that sounds very high for man or beast! I'm glad he's feeling better -- I wonder what caused it in the first place.

Wow, you really did have a great time at Blogpaws! Look at all that loot! This way you'll be able to try out new products and tell the rest of us what's good and what's not.

Grete's alligator is amazing! No wonder she goes nuts over it.

The Whiskeratti said...

Figaro, we are so happy that you have a Mom and Dad to take proper care of you now!

Jacqueline said...

We are so glad Figaro is feeling better...Great post about blog paws=you guys got some fun toys and great treats...Happy day, sweet friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Jans Funny Farm said...

We're so glad there was someone home to rush you to the vet. Glad you are doing better.

Your mom sure got a lot of swag. Enjoy.

Katnip Lounge said...

Poor Figaro, we are SO happy your Daddy took you to the cat fix-it place and got you repaired.
Our Mommy & Daddy try very much to be the change, too...one of Mommy's goals is to get involved in the local TNR group. We live on the edge of the desert and TONS of animals get dumped out here.
On a happier note, we think you Mom's swag bag was fabulous! Grete, don't forget to play with your new squeaky toy at 3 AM!

Lynx217 said...

I'm back and still following you. As per my latest blog post, I'm letting everyone that's in my following list know I still have them.
Wow what a post! Looks like we missed LOTS of stuff!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That is so cool! All that swag!! If BlogPaws is in Denver next year, Meowm may try to go!

Anonymous said...

First of all...We are so happy to hear you're feeling better! AND, you all sure lucked out with all of the super groovy swag!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oh and Figaro, we are so glad you feel better!

AFSS said...

What a great post Figaro. Hope you feel better. Grete we loves your dragon.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

OMC! That is SO MUCH stuff! You guys are so lucky... Do tell us what all the stuff was...

Neyland D. Cat said...

Figaro! Glad you are feeling better. I've had a rough time of late myself. Having good family to take care of ya means a lot.

Neyland D. Catt

Quill and Greyson said...

Your parents are awesome changers! Hope you're all better now Figgy!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

We are very sorry you got sick, but are so glad you now have a family to take care of you and help you get well.

Your mom and Flat Cory sure got some awesome swag at BlogPaws. Grete's squeaky dragon looks very fun.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

This was the bestest BlogPaws post! So much to do and see and PLAY with when your mom got home! We love the shake-the-gator photo! and cool Kong cat toys and all the energy to do good, be good...Be the Change! You are a family of cats and dawg that were changed furrever when you got adopted by your special fambly!

Purrfect Haven said...

so glad you have someone to care for you and that you are on the mend. It does sound exciting and we were amazed at all the goodies - LUCKY! Love Darcy and Bing xx