Bennette: I'm beginning to think there may be a future for me as an Olympic diver. See how I have the tuck position perfected? My toe point still needs some work, but I have until 2012 to figure it out. I can hardly wait to get to London. What? You mean I have to actually get wet? Over and over again? Can I dive into a soft pile of catnip? Do I get fish and chips when the competition is over?
Maybe you could attach yourself to a bungy cord? Then you could do your beautiful dive, and be pulled up just before you hit the water! We would give you 10 points.
Go for Gold! Bennette, go for Gold!!!!
diving into catnip - that would be FUN
Mom said: You are a winner anyway!
We think you should go for gold!
Oh wow, great form!
Bennette, we smell a gold cup full of cat nip and temptations in your Olympic future!
Yes, I do believe that extra claw shaves valuable seconds off of my 1/4 mile time! ~Chevelle~
Yep, the purrfect tuck position! We give it a 10!
You do have perfect form. I am impressed.
You can do it. Bennette! Looks like you've got a few cheerleaders already lined up!
Great position, Bennette! Keep working on the lack of water angle though. wet ...blech.
The getting wet part kind of puts a damper on the whole diving idea. Get it? "Damp"er? Hahahahaha!
aaaaaaa a soft pile of catnip. that sounds perfect. great form! a 10 for sure.
Fish, Chips and a gold medal for you Bennette. That's a very sharp tuck and toe point.
We wouldn't want the water part...but a big pile of nip would be fun!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
That was my exact thought when I saw your pcture, even before I read your entry!! I give you a 10!
Catnip diving sounds like a much better sport.
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