Why is my mom saying...isn't this a great place to watch the yard? Why would I want to watch the yard...I need to watch Cecilia to make sure she doesn't take more than her share of the food. Word is that she...um...is the one in charge...I let her eat first because I'm a gentleman.
Note from mom: Madison and Cecilia got wet food as a treat. Madison started eating his food first. Cecilia looked at her plate and started eating off of Madison's plate too. Madision gave up and went to Cecilia's plate. Cecilia- 1 Madison-0
The Bailey Monster used to eats my food too! and she was 10 times my size! i likes your tree even if they iz no birdies in it to watch
Madison, that looks like a great tree! We weren't sure what to make of ours at first, and ignored it for a few weeks. Now we like to perch up there and survey our domain. It is especially good for whapping unsuspecting siblings ;)
Little Elle is in charge here. That tree looks pretty nice. Maybe you could sneak up there when your Mom isn't looking and try it!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I think you will grow to love that tree!
Grrrreat cat tree!!! We think once you get used to it, you will love it!
That's a very fine cat tree you have there Madison. Your turn to get the wet food first next time fella!
Whicky Wuudler
That looks like a wonderful tree, once you get used to it. We have also been promised such a tree. Looks like fun.
You have to step up and eat your share next time or she'll take over!!! Banshee is always after my food!!
Purrs Goldie
That's a very cool tree. Has your Mom rubbed cat nip all over it yet?
Oh, that's an awesome tree you got!
Madison...we gots a cat tree and we love ours! We think if you give it a chance, you'll love yours too!
And don't let that Cecilia eat your food...you don't hafta be a gentleman when it comes to food!
Wally & Ernie
Well that doesn't look like a tree?
What a wonderful gift! We have that exact same cat tree and really like it. Your is beside a window, so it will be a perfect place to keep an eye on the outdoors.
I have never had a CAT tree; I only ever know those in my garden. You know, the ones with leaves and bark with branches growing in all directions. I must be missing something.
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! That is a cool tree!!! I want one!!!! That looks like fun :)
Purrs Mickey
We think yoo is gonna end up liking da cat tree. I let my sisfurs eat first because I am a gentleman, well, dat's my story but really, der's two of dem and dey can be really mean.
I hope you learn to like your tree. It is very nice. Just push your food near to the tree to keep an eye on it!
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