First it was the snow. Then we had pouring rain. Then...another dusting of snow. I just want to get back out in my garden and get to work. I'm getting tired of all of this inactivity. Time to get up from my nap and do some shopping for seeds. I got a few packets of flowers seeds for the garden, but I'm really interested in getting vegetable seeds that my mom and I can start in the greenhouse so we can have something to eat.

Maybe I'll just go back to sleep and dream about it for awhile....
Good thinking Jonesie!! You get the best ideas from when you iz a sleeping.. Momma says that is when all her thinking is done anyways...I guess that is why she is tired lots!!
We love it that you have a greenhouse!hahha Momma uses old plastic bottles to make mini ones to grow seedlings in, we love fresh home grown veges here too!!
Nothing like going into the garden and grabbing food for right now :)
Jonesie, you are a great Gardening Cat! And you got your mom well trained! Ours says she's no good at raising seedlings, most of the time they don't come up. Maybe, with my help, she'll manage this year. Anyway, I'll be coming back for your advice on seed starting.
Purrs, Siena
P.S.: I want mom to seed nip plants, surely they can't be that difficult?!
Ooh forget-me-nots! You will have such a pretty garden, Jonesie. The dragonfly flowers look very cool, too. You will have to show us some pictures when they start to flower:)
Our Grampy is already getting reading for spring gardening. He has put out lots of new top soild and fertilizer and planted some grass in areas where he wasn't happy with it. So right now we have some lovely new shoots of yummy green grass coming up! We can not wait to see your flowers, Jonesie!
Jonesie! We can't wait to see if you grow some catnip! That's the only kind of plants we like!
Jonesie, take it really easy ... the garden will still be there when the weather is better! And growing catnip sounds a great idea!
More sleeping is always a good decision. FAZ
Do not forget to plant some catnip!
I will be glad when the weather clears and I can look outside again too!
Jonesie, we think it would be so much fun to plant a garden. Our mom doesn't have a green thumb at all! Have fun seed shopping or napping :)
~Maggie May and The Creek Cats~
Mum doesn't need to buy seeds as when I go outside I bring back all the seeds anyone could need in my furrs. But do have sweet dreams Jonesie!
PS: Two days ago I brought in a huge dried up beetle in my tail furrs hehe!
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