Right here in River City
With a Capital T and that rhymes with C and that stands for Cory!
I've been bad. My Grete dog had her surgery 2 weeks ago. She is on house arrest and we were not supposed to play with her or make her chase us...I just couldn't help it. Now she's got a wee bit of fluid build up on her elbow. She goes in for her check up this morning. I hope she is ok because I do really love her and I want to get back to our major chasing games.
Hi guys.....I developed a small amount of fluid on one of my knees after my last surgery. When I went to the vet, he drained it and said it was a seroma, which is a collection of serous fluid and it would go down on its own, and it did. They are very common after surgery. Hopefully that is all Grete has and it will be absorbed by the body.
~Maggie May and The Creek Cats~
Uh oh! I hope Grete will be okay. You did not mean to be bad, so it does not count.
Uh oh! Sometimes it is very, very hard to be good . . . especially when good means no playing! I'll purr that that Grete is ok.
Oh dear Cory, I am sure you did not mean to have Grete chase you! I hope she is OK!
Oh Cory! We hope Grete is okay...but we thinks you should be a little careful around her...even though you didn't mean it...
Chasin da woofie iz a fun gaym. Me an Shadow do it alla tym. Den Mommie yells at us fur toppling stuff over.
We think Grete will probably be fine. Do not feel too guitly, you were only playing!
I'm sure Grete will be just fine! You didn't mean to cause any trouble ... it's just too hard to not play for a whole 2 weeks! ;o)
Cory,I kmow you didn't mean it ;) I will send Grete some healing purrs :) Purrs Mickey
Hope Grete will be up and chasing you soon!! You can't keep a good dawg down!
Purrs Goldie and Shade
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