Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! At our house, Halloween means one thing. KITTY LOCK DOWN! No one is allowed outside on Halloween because of all the ghosts and goblins and crazy people out there. Momma and I never go outside, but the other kitties do. Lock down for all. Those are the rules.

Jonesie says goodbye to October.

Madison says thank you for all the purrrs for him as we waited for his blood test results. Everything is normal! We were afraid he had hyperthyroid, but he doesn't. He's just fine, no explanation for the weight loss...maybe he's been watching The Biggest Loser?? He was given worming medicine because the vet is suspicious of parasites. He also got bland kitty food to eat. If that doesn't do it we are back to the crystal ball.

Madison and Cecilia continue to develop their relationship...


Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Keep safe all you kitties!!!

Happy Halloween!!!!!!

Purrs and a Halloween Kiss,
Goldie and Shade

Anonymous said...

We have to be on a mini-lockdown so we do not escape when the trick-or-treaters come a knocking at the door. Happy Halloween!

Whimpurr said...

Good idea to stay in and stay safe! ;o) Glad the labs were "ok"!

Kiddo said...

Yeah! Stay away from those goblins! They'll pull your tail!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Happy Halloween!!!

stay inside and say safe!

The Island Cats said...

Happy Halloween to all of you! Hope you get more treats than tricks!

And that's good news about Madison!

Maggie May said...

Ya'll are very smart to stay inside! We will be inside as well, wearing our costumes. Hope you get lots of treats!
We are glad to hear Madison's blood work came back fine. It is a mystery, I tell ya! Maybe Cal is also watching the biggest loser.
Happy Halloween!
~Maggie May and The Creek Cats~


All you kitties stay safe now and it's only a lock down for one night...especially fur us dark kitties...

Happy Halloween

Daisy said...

Happy Halloween! I am glad you are staying Safe. And I am glad Madison's bloods are good!

Meowers from Missouri said...

happy meowloween to you all--you are wise to stay safely indoors!!

Anonymous said...

WisHinG yOu a FaBulOuSly SpOoKy HalLoWeEn - but safely indoors.

I volunteered for a lock-down 'cos I'm scared of witches!

Unknown said...

Thank you for coming by my blog today, it is very nice to meet you and all your brofurs and sisfurs.

It is a good idea that you all stay in on Halloween - there are some crazy beans out there. I stay in all the time anyway : )

Have a good Halloween and weekend.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Happy Halloween!

The Cat Realm said...

Happy Halloween to you too!!!
Thank you for visiting us even if we are so neglectful in returning the favor lately.... It's all the maid's fault!!! But we already put word out that we need new help!
Mrs. OZ, Tintin and Karl

Mickey's Musings said...


BOO!! Mickey,Georgia & Tillie