Madison and Cecilia are continuing to figure out this whole "living together" thing. Cecilia continues to headbutt Madison, but he still doesn't know what to do about it. He's happy that one of the dog beds from the house got moved to the workshop. We're hoping that one day that Madison and Cecilia share the same big fleecy bed. Of course they could be doing it now, we just don't have proof! This bed was Cecilia's favorite from the house. It looks like Madison is just sitting here all by himself, but he's not really....
Look again, closely....there she is!
Madison was a good boy and took all of his pills and pink stuff. He's all recovered from his respiratory infection! The problem is, according to Cecilia...he STILL snores! Some things never change. Meantime, Cecilia is enjoying the yard and hanging out on top of the dog house that no dog we ever knew has used.

They both go out during the day, and willingly come back in the shop at night. Ginger is beside herself happy that Cecilia is no longer tormenting her.

They both go out during the day, and willingly come back in the shop at night. Ginger is beside herself happy that Cecilia is no longer tormenting her.
Ah, we see Cecilia peeking from under that bench. Sneaky kitty! We are glad they are getting along and bet they share a bed sometimes, but would never let anyone witness it!
~The Creek Cats~
you are being so good taking your if something could be done about that snoring...
Cecilia has claimed the dog house and redesignated it as the Cat House!
Glad to hear you are on the mend, Madison!!!
You are looking pretty cute, Cecilia!
Purrs Goldie and Shade
I bet they'll be sharing that bed before you know it!
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