Thursday, July 26, 2012

Society of Feline Gardeners- Thursday in the Garden with Jonesie


Hi there furriends!  Today I'm teaching my brother Figaro important gardening lessons.  The fine art of watching lettuce grow is fairly simple.  Lettuce does well in our garden but the weeds grow up around it.  Here I am demonstrating how to use my body as a physical barrier to the weeds.  They won't dare grow up around my belly furs.

 As always, purring for your plants makes all the difference.  As you can see below, we have more flowers blooming right now.  Our cone flower is just getting started.

 More daisies for mom!  She adores them.
 The buddliea bush is going to be attracting butterflies soon!  I can hardly wait.
 Now, you all know that being a garden cat means that I get dirt and leaves in my furs.  Even though I get a bit messy, I am a ladycat and I like to look my best.
Mom Furminated me and got my coat all soft and silky.

And after she was done, I finished up with a nice paw and face wash.

I hope you are enjoying your gardens!

**breaking news**

Little did you all know that gardening is not my only job.  I now have another important job to add to my resume.  Matchmaker!  Oh yeah!  See my sister Cory has been heartbroken since her beloved Whitey went to the Rainbow Bridge earlier this year.  Just last week I heard my bestest furriend in the whole world, Alfie Marshall, was looking for a new girlfurriend.   It didn't take long for me to realize...hey this just may work!  Maybe then I'll get to see my pal Alfie more often too.  Win win win for all!

I'll give you a sneak peek at their first picnic date earlier this week....


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I love that car for Cory! Alfie sure is a sweetie!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

That Alfie is a VERY lucky mancat!!

Summer at said...

All your hard work is paying off - your garden is beautiful, Jonesie!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

You have been very busy! We hope this match works out. They deserve to be happy. The garden looks beautiful (and nommy)!

rainbow said...

Well done, Jonesie - you are a ladycat of many parts - keep up the good work!
Purrs ... Rainbow

Barb said...

Whitey would be meezing with happiness that your new mancat of interest is a Gray Boy, Cory! I'll bet he's singing you both a very beautiful mousie song.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Fanks for match-making for us Jonesie ~ yoo are the bestest friend a boy can have.
An' your garden is looking wonderful today.

Love Alfie xx

Ellen Whyte said...

Sunshine and love: purrrfect!

Karen Jo said...

Your garden looks great. I hope you get lots of butterflies soon. Good job on the match-making.


The Whiskeratti said...

Ohhhh we hope they go for it. They make a lovely couple.

Cat said...

Daisies are such happy flowers!!! We hope Alfie and Cory have a nice picnic :-)

Forever Foster said...

Nice matchmaking, ladycat!

Your daisies are beautiful.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Aaaaaa! That is just wonderful! Whitey was a super special guy but so is sweet Alfie, and we are sure he will make Cory a wonderful boyfriend!

Great work in the garden, as always, Jonesie!

The Chans

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We sure do miss Whitey, but life does have to go on.

Your garden looks great Jonesie!!!

Marilia said...

You have a beautiful car!!!!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

You sure get into your garden! And it gets into you! I wish you could teach Leo how to hold still for the furminater..

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Those flowers look bootiful! But we are very impressed by the lovely lettuces. We dint know they could really get so PURPLY!

CCL Wendy said...

I think your garden is doing better than most this year. Many are brown and crispy because of the hot weather. Ours isn't too bad because it's mostly in the shade, but the grass isn't so green anymore.

Gardening is very hard work indeed, so it's little wonder that you get dirty, Jonesie. You obviously have such good grooming habits, though (with a little help from Mom) that it all comes out in the wash.

That's so exciting about Alfie and Cory! I sure hope it works out. If it does, she will be doing a lot of double dating with Milo and Dommy!


Oh your garden is fantastic but your news about Cory is even better!


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

What a marvelous idea about Cory and Alfie.

Love your butterfly bush it is so pretty, we wishes ours hadn't died.

Mommy got us a Furminator and we are loving it. ~Scylla

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Your garden is looking good. It is fun to get dirt in your furs though isn't it. Well done with the match making.

The Island Cats said...

Cory and Alfie?? That's a match made in heaven! Well, at least in the Blogosphere!!

Callie (a.k.a. Trouble) said...

You still able to have a garden? We are so jealous. Here in Texas most days lately have been 100+ - so nothing but brown grass!