Thursday, July 7, 2011

Society of Feline Gardeners- Thursday in the Garden with Jonesie

::3 paw taps::

I did not get much time in my garden this week.  The weather was beautiful, but I was on enforced "kitty lock down".  The 4th of July is a total pain.  The weather was beautiful, not a cloud in the sky...and all my efforts to meow the door to open went unanswered.

I did manage to inspect the tomatoes...

The carrots are well on their way to feeding my family.  Carrots are strictly for eating.  Cory does not believe carrots make good toys.  They are far to big for her to carry around in her little mouth.

The clematis is growing beautifully!  This is one of mom's favorites because of the deep color of purple.  It looks good with my furs too.  Because I was in lock down, the clematis had to pose without me.

Given our limited garden time, Ginger offered to watch over the Swiss chard and spinach.

She got distracted by a dragonfly.

When it got away from her, she was hissed off.  I mean if looks could kill, that poor dragonfly would have dropped from the sky.

We had a bit of a scare on Tuesday night.  My sister Cecilia looked ill but refused all efforts to catch her.  She hid and ended up spending the night outdoors.  Mom and dad found her early Wednesday in the morning hiding in our never used old dog house.  She got hauled off to the v-e-t.  Turns out she has an abscessed tooth and she is back home now.  I'm going to talk her into posting to tell you more about it.  I'm just glad she is back home.

I will leave you today with my beautiful Stella D'oro day lily.  Every day, something new is blooming!

Please leave a link so everyone can visit!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

You clematis is GORGEOUS! The Woman never got hers that full and so she is jealous. We are glad that Cecelia is home and safe and going to be okay.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We are glad Cecelia is doing better. Thank cod the 4th of July is over! Purrs

Summer at said...

Tell Cecilia how much better my roommate Binga felt after getting rid of her bad tooth! (You might not want to let her see the blog post of her dental procedure, though!!)

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We are so relieved to hear Cecilia is doing better ~ is she on Auntie-Biotiks? Please pass on to her our healing purrs.

Yoo must be so relieved that 4th of July is over ~ a garden needs looking after daily!

BTW, mom loves Clematis too. When she was a child it grew outside her bedroom window and she could smell the wonderful perfume each day when she awoke. Purrs.

Love Alfie xx

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Sorry that the July 4th festivities ate into your garden time, Jonesie. But it looks like things are coming along very nicely nonetheless.

We are so relieved that Cecilia's problem is "only" an abcessed tooth. We were worried when we saw on FB that she was heading to the vet.

The Chans

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Garden's looking nice. We hope you can be out there more this week.

The Whiskeratti said...

Oh, we're so sorry about the bad tooth! Your garden is wonderful.

Angel Simba said...

Still a lovely Garden post, Joneise, in spite of hte lock down.
Wishing a very spedy recovery to Cecilia.

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are very glad Cecelia is doing better. Love your clematis, we just gotted one. It is a puny looking little thing but at least it is living. We have no idea what color blooms it will have. We just hopes it gets big enough to bloom this year and that it comes back next year.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Poor Cecilia! Did she have her tooth removed or just get ABs? We're sending her purrs!

Your clematis is outstanding, so lush and full. Gorgeous! The clematis in our area seems to be done now--too hot, we guess.

Our mom was bad...She didn't even do a gardening post for today. Maybe because it's been too frickin' hot to do anything but lie under the hostas. LOL.

The Island Cats said...

We're glad that all that 4th stuff is over now too. Even though you didn't supervise much, your garden is still doing well!

Forever Foster said...

Poor little Cecilia. We are sending lots of get better kisses to her. We are sure Madison will have taken good care of her.

Thanks for the Ginger pics, Jonesie. You're a good friend ;)

CCL Wendy said...

Well, I'm glad you at least got to snoopervise a little bit, Jonesie! I think your parents were just trying to do what's best for you kitties, but it sure can be a pain when you can't do what you want.

It seems like your vegetables are right on track, and your clematis is absolutely gorgeous. I love the deep purple, too!

I'm sure there will be lots more dragonflies for Ginger to capture, especially now that the boomies are over.

And we're sorry to hear about Cecilia's troubles. You must have been very worried when you couldn't catch her. We're glad she's been to the vet and all is well.

Mariodacat said...

We has the clematis too - it's an old plant M says - she's had it for at least 40 years now. This year M & D didn't get it trained properly on the trellis because the spring was so cold and rainy so it's low to the ground too. The are so bootiful.

Cat Wisdom 101 said...

We're gardening cats and would like to join. Where 's the html code to post your badge?

Cat Wisdom 101 said...

So glad you got that abscessed tooth looked after. Purrs to Cecilia.

Purrfect Haven said...

Oh my, poor Cecelia - what a horrid thing. Mrs H would be scared to death if that happened to us and we hid because we were ill. We send her purrs and to all of you too. Love Darcy and Bingley xx

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We are so glad Cecilia is back home and doing well!

The clematis is beautiful! Meowm loves purple!

You can make up for lost time in your garden now Jonesie!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I think everything looks great! I'm sure glad that Cecilia is doing okay now!!!

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

We glad da 4th iz Over!! Whew..... and we really Glad Cecelia iz doin sooo much Better ~

Your garden iz lookin Luverly ^..^ You do such good job carin fur it:)) Da mom thinkz da clematis lookz Beautiful;)
We hope your Lock down iz ofur soon..... Owrz iz jus begining

Purrz, Happy Gardening ~

Lorelei ^..^


Oh the flowers and the vegetables all look so luscious and wonderful! WE loved our tour, your garden is always filled with such great things.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Cecelia is feeling better. and your garden is awesome!! One day I want a garden like that!!

Love, Scout

(Mommy especially likes the Clematis)

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

So glad that Cecilia will be ok! The poor baby!!
Your garden is gorgeous!
I had to skip this week because of a product review.
I will post photos of our garden that is really taking off! Next week!