Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tabby Tattletale Tuesday

So Figaro...or Figarellie as he is now known...managed to come back inside the house yesterday still wearing Ellie's collar and tag.  He didn't dare lose it.

He headbutted mom when he came in.  He's such a suck up.

I'm the good one.  I NEVER lose my collar and tag.  I NEVER have to go incognito.


In other news this week, I've heard that our bathroom that has been torn apart for forever and a day...and more than a few minutes...will finally be put back together again.

Mom and dad are too incompetent lazy to do it themselves so there will strangers in the house making noise and stuff.  I'm guessing I'll be unable to convince them to switch out the blue tile mom bought...and replace it with tile that matches my ginger furs.

You can bet I'll still try.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

But I think Ginger and blue may look lovely together. You know, it's the contrast that counts Miss Ginger. It will make you stand out...

Raymond and Busby said...

Ginger, don't you hate it when there are people doing work in your house? Too noisy!

Figerellie, good job not losing Ellie's collar. Maybe if your humans get you a tag with some other cat's name on it you will be more careful not to lose it?

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Oh, we so hated when the guys were building Mom's new shower. Dust went everywhere. Noise, noise, noise. Tools all over the place and debris scattered. A total invasion of privacy. Of course, Mom loves her shower now, but sheesh. She has blue tile too.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You clearly are a very good girl, Ginger!

Maybe you should think about importing Harley to supervise the bathroom work. He has serious and recent experience.

The Chans

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

When my human redid the upstairs bathroom in her old house, you can bet she made sure the paint complemented my fur!

Of course, my litter box was in the DOWNSTAIRS bathroom...

Mr Puddy said...

Ginger, Just make sure after the stranger done the job in the bathroom, You have to quickly book the bath tube..That's a fabulous huge litter tray. I love to do my business in there, It's purrfect place to make our fabulous smell and unique sculpture for my mommy : )

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

"Figarellie" made us larf! But in a good way!

We agree, ginger and bloo is a good combo!

The Island Cats said...

Ginger, you'll just hafta fur up that blue tile!!

Forever Foster said...

Oh Gingerkisses, you look so pretty! I am also very good with my collar, and have only ever lost it ONCE in four years.

I am only laughing a little bit at Figarellie :)

-Fui xoxo

SeaThreePeeO said...

We don't like it when strangers come round to do noisy things

Cat said...

They should have consulted you Ginger before making the tile purchase!!!

Katnip Lounge said...

ha ha ha! Figarellie!

We always want to help with construction projects but inevitably we get locked out on the Catio for being "pests"--can you believe that? Us, PESTS?

Mommy says that "Cook's" magazine is the best darn-tootin' food mag she's ever subscribed to. Pricey, but so worth it.

The Whiskeratti said...

You should definitely try! Your colors matter too.

CCL Wendy said...

First of all, Ginger, I must comment on that absolutely gorgeous picture of you! This is one of the best ones yet. It really portrays your transcendent beauty.

LOL! I love that name Figarellie -- but it makes him sound like a girl. You know boys are always absent-minded and losing things. We girls have better sense.

Sorry to hear that you're going to have introoders, but in the end, it will get everything back to normal much quicker. Good luck!

Unknown said...

Just make sures you shedds lots of ginger fur so they knows what a mistake they made!

The Florida Furkids said...

We MOL @ Figerellie!!!

We don't like it when strangers come into the house. On the other paw, it's always quicker than when Mom and Dad try to do it themselves.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

"Figarellie"! MOL!!!

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Oh we thinks blue will look lovely with your Ginger coloring. We agree with Cheysuli and Gemini it is the contrast that counts.

Quill and Greyson said...

I'd like Ginger tiles too~

one of Fae's humans said...

you are such a good girl, Ginger. even if you think so, i doubt your goodness goes unnoticed!

and you never know, once the tiles are all in place you might actually like them more than you think. :)