Monday, March 22, 2010

Mancat Monday

It's been mancat central around here!  I guess that's ok because at least I get the chance to post.  There was excitment in the yard last week when mom caught our furriend, Mr. Blue Eyes.  I've hung out with him before, but not too much.   I prefer to stay inside and hang out with Cecilia.  Cecilia liked to chase him off.   I've heard he's in the house in the "guest suite".

Handing it over to Nigel for the "by the door" report...

I've been hanging out by the door for hours.  I am so curious to see who's there.  I think I may know who it is from my life on the outside, but I'm not sure.  Mom won't let me in to investigate.   Mom let Ellie in the room for about a fair is that?  Ellie brought our guest a little soccer ball, but then he hissed at her from under the couch.  Ellie pouted. 

I can hardly wait until we can play smackie paws under the door!

Meanwhile...behind the door....
Ah yes, belly rubs!  This is the life!   It took me exactly 72 hours to realize that maybe I did want to come out for a few minutes of love.  Getting trapped was really scary...then I was put in a car and then I went to the v-e-t...and then I got really sleepy and I woke up in a cage and my head hurt and other parts of me were sore...oh what sort of a mess did I get myself into?  Yes 72 hours to realize it wasn't a mess at all.  I don't have to struggle for survival any more.

And the food here isn't so bad...
Pee decided to call me "Frankie" since it sounds better than Mr. Blue Eyes...that is until someone adopts me and then we can decide together.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

A good meezer-make them wait to let them have your attention! Enjoy!

Angel Simba said...

Frankie - good for you for letting your guard down and getting a belly-rub!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Khat name ovFURload!
Too many to keep straight!

But khonKHATS I guess!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: Hi Grete!

umi_e said...

Hi.... Have a nice monday :)

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Oooo, Frankie, you look right at home!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Frankie you are so cute. We are so glad to hear of your rescue.

The Florida Furkids said...

Frankie is a cutie! We're glad he's living the good life now.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

Frankie, iz awesome to be a 'Kept Kitty'! Iz better and betterer all the time! Srsly.

Welcome to the Good Life... from one Mr. Blue Eyes, to another!

PS. Hi, Cory! xo♥

The Creek Cats said...

We're so glad you let them trap you and get you all fixed up! You will make a great kitty for a nice family!

Parker said...

Oh Frankie - ain't life inside grand? I remember when I learned that lesson!
Smoochies to you, you are indeed a very handsome boy!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Awwww ... thanks for the noos about Frankie.

And Hi Frankie, we LOVE yoor noo name. And we are so glad yoo are OK. Yoo are very lucky to be helped by such a loving fambly.

Daisy said...

Frankie, I am very glad that your hard Outdoor life is over and now you can start living the good life!

The Island Cats said...

Nigel, we think it's really cool that you are the one camping by the door to see Frankie (btw, we like that name) since it wasn't long ago you were behind that door! We hope you can make furiends with Frankie soon!

Marg said...

Frankie, so glad you gave in and hopefully you will find a forever home. Take it from us, it is so nice to have a real home and not have to fend for ourselves.

Kea said...

Frankie, we're so glad you're doing well and have realized that life on the inside is pretty darn good. I hope you soon start playing smackie paws with everyone else--feline friends are good to have too!

The Monkeys said...

The picture of Frankie getting rubs made our Mom's eyes well up with water (she says she's just so happy to see that)! We're so happy he's inside now!

Cat with a Garden said...

Oh Frankie, we are all squealing over your pictures. You are such a handsome, handsome boy! Kiss, kiss, kissies on your nosie!!!
And Madison and Nigel, you two are doing a great mancat job at your house.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Hi Frankie, that was Fenris' name at the shelter. Must be something about those blue eyes that remind the Mom's of Ole Blue Eyes himself, Sinatra. Glad you came out for some loving. ~AFSS

Forever Foster said...

Welcome to the out-from-under-the-couch world, Frankie!:)

Raymond and Busby said...

Hello Frankie! We are so happy that you are safe and warm indoors. We hope that once you are healed up and a bit less shy you find your forever home. xoxo

CCL Wendy said...

It's like you have a mystery guest -- and kitties can't resist a mystery! I like the name that you chose for your guest -- Frankie has a very friendly sound to it, and it seems Frankie is friendly after all -- he just had to get over all that trauma first. He really is quite the handsome fellow -- I imagine it shouldn't be hard for him to find a forever home.

In the meantime, you and Madison, Nigel and Ellie are doing a great job protecting him, and welcoming him into your home.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Frankie, it appears you are settling in quite well.

Lisa Kolosey said...

Not looking too bad after all your outdoor (and v-e-t) hardships, Frankie! We are so happy you've decided you didn't have to have it "My Way" and gave in to beans who captured you. This is how life should be for beauties like you.
~Lisa Co9T

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Good for you, Frankie! The only thing we would say is please don't go breaking Ellie's heart. She's a real softie!

Jacqueline said...

You guys are doing such a wonderful thing for Frankie, you've really saved his life...Glad he is finally ready to surrender to the love!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Shelly said...

Frankis is very handsome...glad he's learning to love life on the inside!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Belly rubs are good aren't they Frankie. Makes everything worthwhile.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Meowm is in heaven looking at all of you mancats!!!

Frankie!!! We are so very glad you have decided that you are in a good place! Meowm would take you in a heartbeat if she could!

Quill and Greyson said...

Ah Frankie you got caught by some great humans. They will get you a great home!

meowmeowmans said...

Oh, Frankie, you are such a handsome boy! We're glad you've landed in such a great place with nice people and cats. You're sure to find a forever home in no time! :)

Tuck said...

Frankie, you are one good lookin' mancat! I think you are going to love it at Cory's place!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

That's quite a Gotcha! story and we are happy to know you are safe now!

Victor Tabbycat said...

Furever homes an full bellies is good. Tummy rubs is GRATE (unless yur Nina an don't like them).
Cory, I's tagged you fur a foto game. Come see da destructions on my blog.

Beth said...

Very nice post! Frankie, you are lucky and I think you realize that!