Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thursday In The Garden with Jonesie

I bet you all thought I'd be broadcasting from the shed today. I've had my fill of hanging out in there, so there will be no "in the garden shed with Jonesie" today. We've had a bit of rain around here this past weekend. There is a touch of fall in the air. That made me think I should check out the garden tools to see if they are anywhere near ready for putting to bed. Well not yet...they still have dirt on them, etc. and in the middle of me checking it all out....wham. The door closes. I mewed and scratched and no one heard, so I just went back to work making sure everything was accounted for and no tools were missing. The shed has a skylight so I was able to work for awhile. When it got dark, I just took a nap. I heard mom and dad calling for me and that made me purr. That means I'm loved. I had no doubt they'd figure out where I was.
When it rains, I like to hang out close to the house because the dirt stays dry.
With a bit of damp, the dirt sticks to my fur really good. Mom picks most of it off, but she missed a piece.
The Swiss chard is getting a bit weedy. Mom is supposed to weed this garden, but she's been sick so she couldn't do it. Here I am trying to help by pulling the weed out with my mouth.

Mom was able to cook this lovely greenery into a lentil soup she made. I'm so proud of these perfect green leaves. Just ignore the weeds, ok? I was thinking that it might be fun to write a gardening book with my mom. We'd have to call it "The Messy Gardener" How to coexist with the weeds in your garden!
Don't forget to visit my young friend Alfie Marshall hanging out in his garden today with his brother Milo.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

What a big help you are weeding that garden! Good for you!

Misha said...

I hope it wasn't too traumatic for you stuck in the shed!

SeaThreePeeO said...

Hmm soup, I really wish that I could grow my own veg and then be able to make it into a lovely soup. You must be so proud of your mum!

Anonymous said...

I've been weeding this week too! And I envy yoo your shed ~ but not getting locked in it! Tee hee!

We love your pink hat and watering can too!

Alfie xxx

The Island Cats said...

We're sorry you got stuck in the shed, Jonesie, but at least you got some work done while you were in there! We think your book would be a best seller!!

The Whiskeratti said...

Jonesie, you are totally inspirational! You werk harder than any kitteh I ever heard of! Your Mom must be very proud.

CCL Wendy said...

I like your cattitude, Jonesie. You always make the best of things. When you were locked in the shed, you kept on working, and when there were weeds in the garden, you just adapted and came up with a great idea for a gardening book with your mama.

Anonymous said...

We have weeds everywhere, too, Jonesie! Our Grampy can't pull them fast enough! Our Nana is making homemade chicken soup today from the carcass of the chicken dinner the other night. Yum!

The Florida Furkids said...

Can you come weed our yard too?

Mom says that lentil soup sounds yummy.

We have a question for you since you're such a good gardener. Our wonderful catnip plant has big white mealy bugs on it. What can Mom do to save it so we can still be able to enjoy it?

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Monkeys said...

Our Mom loves lentil soup! You're such a wonderful gardener, Jonesie

Cat with a Garden said...

What a scary shed episode. We're impressed that this didn't keep you from working. Wow!

Anonymous said...

My goodness, you certainly had oodles to rePURRt today. Lots of goings on in your neck of the woods. Sorry you got stuck in the shed. Rosemary and Aurora got stuck in the sun porch one evening. They sure meowed loud for mom to open the door!

Reese =^..^= said...

Such a gorgeous garden!

Ariel said...

Your a great garden helper.Hope your mom feels better soon :)

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Stuck in the a good time, but at least you were safe.

We hope your Mom feels better.

It is beginning to feel a bit like fall here too.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We hope they didn't leave you out in the shed for too long, Jonesie!

Amy & the house of cats said...

You are such a great gardener Jonesie! Even stuck in the shed you continuted to work on your garden chores - you are very dedicated. And your big green leaves of chard looked wonderful!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

You are a very good helper there. I love your face in that last picture..

Hugs GJ xx

Ellen Whyte said...

Getting stuck in the shed must have been a worry, but it sounds like you've come up with a $$$ spinner book idea, Jonesie. We're doing Feral Friday today (we're almost a day ahead of you in Malaysia). Thanks for the tip!


Mom said when you're thorough helping your Mom weed she has some work for you.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It couldn't have been much fun locked in the shed, but you made good use of the time you were in there.

Tuck said...

Jonesie, I think you are the purrfect one to write a gardening book!

The Kitty Krew said...

It's good that you were able to see the bright side to getting stuck in the shed, and get some things done (and nap!). Perhaps you should get one of your brothers or sisters to be your garden assistant/consultant (like Milo does for Alfie), at least for those times when mom is sick? (We hope she's better now!)

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew