After getting a teasing of Mr. Sunshine we are now back to rainy weather. The garden is off to a good start. We have help clearing our beds and mom and dad made the first trip to the store for some seeds. I'm hanging out in the greenhouse today because I can stay dry, but still snoopervise.

My mom has started lettuce in these trays. Although it looked tempting, I didn't dig in the dirt and leave a bit of myself.

I can watch the rest of the garden from here. I like to dip my tail in the dirt just so I know I helped out.

Here are some little pea pots. They have Swiss chard plants in them. When they grow up they can go outside. There will be more seeds put directly in the dirt soon, like peas and carrots.

Most of the plants will have to wait until May to be planted because we don't want them to freeze. It's getting warmer, but we still have some chilly mornings and the tender little plants can't handle it. They don't have a nice fur coat like I do.
We have not seen the momma raccoon and her baby again, but we think they will probably make an appearance when the baby is around 8 weeks old.
Nice review from the green house.It looks very tempting and fun in there.
Oh wow! A green house would be a very cool thing to have. I could sit in the sun and not get rained on...
How neat! We think you should get a 'Jonesie's Office' sign for out there! Haha!:) Dad was able to revive two of mum's lemon myrtle plants when he was back. The allegedly unkillable ixora is still fighting a losing battle, though.
We love your gardening tips Jonesie. Mom has planted some herbs in a window box in the kitchen - so we'll dip out tails in them to help.
Great job, Jonesie! We think our Grampy would enjoy a greenhouse. He loves growing things.
That green house is awesome, Jonesie!
We've given you guys an award!
what a good gardener you look. I like to sit and get my tail in the soil too Then bring it all in attached to my fluff. Great fun.
Love your greenhouse..
Hugs Giger Jasper xx
Gardening seems a little bit complicated. Jonesie, I am very impressed with your expertise.
Wow Jonesie! What a big helper you are. I'm sure I would have dug in the dirt. You were very nice not to.
I'll bet that greenhouse is a lovely place to nap and explore safely. All those plants and warmth....snooooooooooooooozzzzzzzzzzzzze
That's an awesome greenhouse Jonesie. We have a garden where Mom plants herbs in the summertime. She's getting anxious to plant, but says she has to wait until mid-May to be sure all the cold is gone. We finally got a sunny day today, our rain was yesterday and the day before.
Hey guys, thanks for coming by to celebrate my birthday yesterday! Jonesie, I will really make good use of the tips and tricks you told me about nip plant care!
Purrs, Siena
Spring is so exiting with all the little plants. You're very well behaved cat we think.
We don't think we'd be as patient as you Jonesie and we would start digging in that dirt!
I'm sure the tail dip will be invaluable!
Wow, you really seem to be very busy!
Jas & Gi
Oh yeh, fresh air, room with a BIG view.....who are you gonna spy on first(ha ha ha)=^Y^=Setzer
That lettuce looks mighty good! Tell mommy she'
s doing a splendid job!
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