Hi there! Did you know that my mom forgot our Blogoversary? On September 5th, 2008, I started my blogging career because I couldn't keep my paws away from a keyboard. And my mom forgot.
I've had 1393 posts!!!! I think that's kinda cool. So that's my good news.
I need to let you all in on a little issue I've been having.
I stopped singing. I have not composed a sock song in over a month. Mom and dad are concerned. I seem fine and all that...I eat, I sleep, I purrr....I play. But no singing.
Mom just started singing to me to see if that will help. Although she tries and she is off key...I love it when she sings. I purr and I rub on her. It's really quite sweet given that she has no hope of being a world class opera singer like I am.
I'm just in a creative slump. It could be that with the warmer weather, the supply of super aromatic fleecy socks is seriously lacking. Summer socks and sandals are just not the same.
Happy Belated Blogoversary!
We hope you find your sock song soon, sweet baby. We know your peeps are missing it.
I hope that the weather starts getting colder so that you get some more inspiring socks, Cory!
Belated Happy Blogaversary! We have been blogging for about the same length of time and have shared so many adventures over the years!
We do hope you get your inspiration back soon, little Cory!
The Chans
Happy Belated Blogoversary !
Don't get upset Cory, many moms...including my mom starts to forget this ...forget that...my mom just forgot my birthday ! Could you believe that !
Anyway, I hope she makes up for you :)
Concatulations ! And the singing... well... we agree, you must have the right inspiration.
Happy belated blogaversary! We hope you feel like singing more soon.
Belated Happy Blogoversary! I hope your singing voice comes back with the colder weather Cory.
Oh Cory, we bet you're just taking a singing break. But we sure hope you're in top voice real soon.
Happy Blogoversary! We're so glad you are our furiends. :)
Happy Belated Blogoversary!!!!!
Happy Belated Blogoversary!!!!!
Happy Blogaversary!
No singing? Must be those "lazy hazy crazy days of summer" :)
Happy Blogoversary!
Happy Blogoversary cutie!
Your Mom has a lot to answer for...forgetting your Blogaversary (HAPPY DAY!) and not producing properly seasoned socks...time for demerits!
Sometimes we creative artists need inspiration. Happy Blogoversary!!!
Hope you have your sock song back soon, and I hope your mum made it up to you for forgetting your blogoversary!
Happy belated blogoversary Cory!
We hopes you find your sock song soon. It sounds furry interesting!
Sasha Sami, & Saku
Congrats on the 1,393 posts, that a lot! And forgive Mom fergettin a Special Day. It happens here too. They have SO much on their minds sometimes.
Happy belated blogoversary! We bet you'll find your sock song soon, Cory!
Cory, we are sorry you aren't singing. We hopes you sing your sock song soon.
Cory, we are all sending you love and hoping you sing again soon.
Wiv EXTRA SPESHULL love from yoor Alfie xx
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