Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tabby Tattletale Tuesday

This is how I spent my weekend days. 

That's because I stayed up all night on Saturday night and made a fuss.  All. Night. Long.

See mom and dad said they had enough of my creativity.  I'm a think outside the box kinda gal...and do other things outside the box as well.   They did not want my furry little self outside all night so I am now spending nights in the garage with my own private litter box and all the other comforts.

Problem is...I don't want it. 

I hate it!

I yowled and carried on.  I was told that I actually had it pretty good, with a deluxe bed and my own plate of Fancy Feast (that I didn't have to share) and my food kibble and my own water dish.  But...

I wanna do what I wanna do when I wanna do it!! 

See...I'm a purrfect princess when I'm by myself...purrfect use of the litter box...I just don't want to go and use the shared litter box room...I mean...::shudder::

Boys go in there....


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Well I don't blame you. I want what I want when I want it!

The Florida Furkids said...

We think being outside at night (or any other time) is skeery. A plate of fancy feast and a deluxe bed would be enough to please us! Try it....you'll like it!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Raymond and Busby said...

The garage???? Although we do like the idea of a private litter box...we have three, two of them are covered. We like those the best.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We think this answer is simple. Lock efurrybody else in the garage! xoxo

Sweet Purrfections said...

Poor Ginger! I hope things get better soon.

I love your new header!

Mom Paula

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

We don't have any boys here (well, except for my human's boyfriend, who does NOT use my facilities), but I do have Binga, who flings litter around like it was meant to be airborne. I think Prancer's idea is better - lock everyone ELSE up, and let you have free reign of the joint!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wait, are you separated from yer Beins? That aint right. Or are we misunderstanding this?

Whisppy said...

Oh oh. I won't like to be locked up in the garage either. Even if it comes with my own private litter box AND a WHOLE CARTON of Fancy Feast.

Your beans are gonna have to come up with something better...

Love, Ling

Teddy Westlife said...

Poor Ginger. Teddy and I do not like to share a litterbox either.

The Island Cats said...

Well, Ginger...us boys aren't so bad...'cept we aren't as neat about our bathroom habits as girls are...well...'cept Wally...he's almost as bad as a girl.


Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Maybe you need another box, a cardboard box, for sleepin' in. That's where I do my best sleepin'.

Fuzzy Tales said...

How many litter boxes are there and where are they? We've always had one for every cat plus an additional one (that's the general rule of thumb)...but we've only been three in the house at most. There wouldn't be room for half a dozen boxes or more.

And 2 (was 3) were in the basement, 1 upstairs (though we did have 2 up there for a while, in spare rooms).

But if you need your own space, having a deluxe suite in the garage sounds pretty good to our human, though we understand that you wouldn't be happy with it...or happy sharing...LOL. Let's face it, sometimes there's no pleasing us, no matter what our servants do. Ha.

Mr Puddy said...

Miss Ginger, I think you would love to live with me. I always do in da garden, All litter boxes are yours !!! Just for the princess ; )

Forty Paws said...

Oh goodness! We feel sorry for you staying in the garage with your own food, water, litter box, and comfy bed. That is so mean! Well, at least you are thinking inside the box now.

Luf, Us

The Whiskeratti said...

I totally understand - and I've only got one boy to deal with! - Leia

Katnip Lounge said...

Ginger, This may be happening to me soon...

xx May Ling aka "the Puddler"

Vanillabeanseed said...

MOL at Boys go in there! hehehehe

Cat said...

We have four cats and four litter boxes. I think technically we are supposed to have another box but in our tiny beach house there is NOWHERE to put another box! Casper is a big litter kicker so we have "clever cat" boxes with high sides so he can't make a mess with the litter! Maybe Ginger would like to try clever cat, I really think they are fantastic :-) Here is the link for you to see what they are like


Mickey's Musings said...

Ginger, we are glad you are indoors at night :) It's safer ;)
We are not crazy about sharing the litter box, but we are used to it since we always had to :/
You do look lovely on that rug!! heehee
Purrs Tillie and Georgia

Quill and Greyson said...

Mom said you sound like a handful... of what she didn't say.

GLOGIRLY said...

"Boys go in there..." HAHAHAHA!
Glogirly & Katie
Girls Rule

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Oh Ginger ... we think yoor mom should get yoo a pink Princess box ~ then the :boys: wouldn't want to use it! MOL!

CCL Wendy said...

Have you thought of trying one of those calming collars? One of its intended uses is for kitties who go outside the box.

We got calming collars for both Domino and Dylan for another problem, and it works wonderfully.

I know you're making a statement, Ginger, but can't you find another way to do it?

Jans Funny Farm said...

You're right, there should be a ladycat and a mancat restroom. In separate rooms at least 1/2 mile apart.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

We don't think we'd like that either...we don't have a garage either. Teri has 'rehabbed' a number of kitties who 'thought outside the box' and here's what she does...

I have taken maybe 6 cats back for peeing outside the box (rarely do cats defecate out of the box unless it is aversion to the litter-the box-fear of being attacked while in the box, etc) and with all of them except 2, I have been able to rehabilitate them and find homes where they were happier and ceased the behavior.

This is my usual routine with rehab-I set them up in a 4' x 4' x 2' cage, next to my computer desk so they are away from the other cats but get lots of interaction from me. The cage has a sleeping shelf with a heating pad, a large litterbox that is theirs alone and of course, food and water dishes.

If the cat is good for 2 weeks in the cage-meaning neat, not peeing outside the box, not digging up the bedding etc (which is an anxiety symptom) then they get to move to a bathroom (with heat pad, too) with more room and places to tempt them like the sink and tub as some cats like to go in them as they are clean always. If they are good for 2 weeks in the bathroom, then I put down bathmats to tempt them.

If they are good for 2 more weeks and not peeing on the bathmats, then they get to move into my library room. If they are good there, then the next step is the guest bedroom. If good there, then they get to meet one of the cats and see if that starts anything up.

So, it is a long process, from 2 months to 6 months in duration, before I even consider trying to find a new home for them.

Because of my multi-cat household, I too have had to deal with this issue in both Disco and Coco and it is frustrating and angering, too.

Trying to figure out the cause is very difficult, too. It is the most common reason cats are surrendered to shelters where unfortunately they are not rehabilitated at all and not much effort is put into finding the right home for them.

I do try and feel good about my successes and know when I do fail, it's not because I didn't follow the protocol and try anxiety meds and all the options. Sometimes cats like this are prone to it happening again, sometimes they aren't 100% perfect in my house as they smell my cats and places they've peed before and when they go into a new home as an only cat, they do fine.

Sometimes then need companionship though and going with one of my kittens is an option that is nice as adult cats don't perceive them as a threat.