There is no such thing as a free lunch or a free dog. Grete is my sister. My family adopted her in May of this year. She is the 2nd dog sister I have had. My other dog sister Colby left us in March. My mom and dad found Grete on the internet, the same way they found me and my momma. She was at the pound in a concrete kennel with dogs barking all around, but Grete was so quiet. That's what I was told. Of course now she won't shut up. My Colby sister was so nice and quiet, but not my Grete sister. It hurts my ears. Grete and I are the same age and we chase each other around the house.
So about Grete. They say there are no bad dogs, but good dogs can have REALLY bad elbows. My Grete won't be able to chase me for awhile because she has to have surgery on her elbows next week. I can't decide if this is good or bad. Good because she won't be chasing me around for awhile, but not so good because I kind of like her chasing me. Now I won't be able to chase her. I'm going to have to be really nice to her. My mom thinks I'll make a great nurse, but I just don't know yet. All I know is that I'm going to worry about her.
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